
What is a game that was cancelled or announced as cancelled that you were really looking forward to.

I was really looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 but it recently got cancelled and the same goes for Heavenly Sword 2. There was also a Xbox game called BC that I thought looked promising that was cancelled for unknown reasons.
I was really looking forward to a Timesplitters 4 or Star Wars Battlefront 3, but now it seems that neither of these will ever exist, so very sad.

Although im really looking forward to the new Carmageddon game! if thats as much fun as the first one i will be more than happy!
@Imnickson: my brother and I still talk about B.C. Oh what could have been...
danielrbischoff said:
Half-Life Ep 3.
Is the next Duke Nukem Forever.

Won't see the light of day for too many years for people to still care, and when it is released it'll be a heap of shit.
Chrono Break. Square Enix registered the trademark and nothing ever came out of it.

Freelancer 2. There were gameplay footage on the web but Microsoft cancelled it for some reason.

Soul Hackers. Story goes ATLUS thought about localizing it but Sony refused.
danielrbischoff said:
Half-Life Ep 3.

The world actually ending according to the Mayan calendar has a better likelihood than Half-Life Ep.3 being released. I feel like HLEP3 has a good change of being good because look how long it took to get HL2 and it turned out super amazing

Battlefront 3 is the one that hurts the most, I remember watching that leaked trailer/gameplay and practically crying in joy and excitement. Depending on the cost I might buy a space in a cemetery and on the tombstone put "RIP Battlefront 3".

Speaking of which:

Here lies "Starcraft Ghost"
You could of been an awesome game, but we'll never know

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