Wild Terra - lifesim in a fully player-driven medieval world

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Game client and server has been updated to version 0.7.23. To continue playing you need to download an updated version.
If you do not have access to the game, you can purchase it on our website.

New in 0.7.23

Now you can build a gallows, executioner's block, pillory and scaffold.
Now you can build a stone towers and barbican.
Updated graphics of stone walls. For stone blocks was added versions with roofs.
Added animation for the wolf head hat.
Christmas snowflakes and mistletoe sprigs is no longer dropped, Christmas buildings are no longer available, although you sculpt snowmen, until the snow melts.
You can still make clothes and items that require snowflakes, hurry up!


Fixed overlay graphics of some buildings to objects in front of them.
Now the inventory window is displayed simultaneously with the opening of any container.
Fixed the layouts of stone walls, blocks and roofs.
Valentine's Day in Wild Terra!

We congratulate all on this wonderful holiday!
We have prepared for you a few offers:

Only now you can purchase a special bundle of early access "For two" at a bargain price!

Celebratory discounts up to 60% of all standard bundles!

Offers are valid only until February 15, hurry up!
Interface evolution in Wild Terra


Interface’s purpose
Graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of interface that allows players to interact with a game. It should be handy and practical, but, at the same time, stylish and good-looking. How usable an interface is determines friendliness of the game to new players and mass audience. And when it looks nice it becomes hard to cease playing.

Beginning stage of development. First interface
After all basic functions of the game were fully prepared, we started to think about the design and style creation for the interface. For this task we hired a freelancer, who had examples of his work suitable for Wild Terra. A budget of the project wasn’t big and we made a deal for a moderate cost, but with a 50% prepayment. Soon enough we got first versions of the interface and determined the visual style, but after this the freelance suddenly disappeared. The rest of the work was finished by Mikhail — our art-director.



At that stage of development our budget wasn’t enough to order a set of icons, so we decided to use renders of 3D-models as item icons. As action icon we used our own sketches.

Necessity of the current interface update
The project continued to evolve, but the interface remained unchanged. We didn’t like the old icons, and they even started to irritate our eyes. We added new features and widened in-game functions, and along with this, the current interface had to be constantly updated. It wasn’t very handy as well. This continued for about a year, before we decided to change the interface — reconsider visual, technical and practical parts of the interface to create a perfect version. We also kept in mind that in the future we’ll need to add: new windows and new functions to the existing ones.

Work on the new interface and icons
A talented artist Linara joined our team, her main purpose was to rework icons and design new interface — elaborate a unique GUI for Wild Terra. The item images were renewed step by step: each update a new portion of redrawn icons appeared in the game.



When all 3D-model renders were replaced with pictures, we started to redesign interface. We tried several versions with different element placement and scale before choosing the one that suited us most of all. After that, Linara got down to work on windows, buttons, and other elements of UI design.


Here are some examples of how the windows changed:



Oncoming development of the game and interface
Completely reworked interface in Wild Terra well speed up and simplify adding new features and improving the existing ones:
  • active abilities;
  • system of character skill perfection;
  • craft and construction chains refreshing and adding new schemes/recipes;
Development and implementation of these features will take time, but, right now, we hope you’ll like new interface and possibilities of the game!

A basic set of 3d-models and animations is ready

A basic set of 3d-models and animations for new server is ready. Still not everything is perfect, but it is already possible to connect and use, while our team will improve and fix the models and animations.

We are working on the generation of the Game World and the increase its size
The new map will be generated and consists of such fragments:

Very soon there will be a video review of the first update on the new server, as well as some details about the testing!
drathbone, hurry up and let me know if you've lost interest in this so I can lock it ;)
Mounts and tamed animals. Details of this innovation


On a Closed Tests well underway mounts testing, however, up to this moment we have not talked about how will work this innovation. Now not all implemented as described below, and some of this is just the ideas that will be revised before the final introduction of the mechanic.

A special item will be added to the game, which allows you to tame wild animals. After the taming will be open a possibilities of feeding, riding (for large animals) and other options. Each player will be able to tame the more than one animal. To care for animals will be added a special construction, such as a stall, as well as items. If you stop to feed and care for tamed animals, then after a while it will become wild again.


Like the any other animal, they can also die. For premium or paid mounts, will probably be provided for the possibility of resurrection. It should be noted that the tamed animals will not be able to hide in the your inventory: you either are on top of him, or they are free to walk around the map.

In the future, we may add a mount equipment, as well as other options for their use (eg, storage of items).

Animal riding is already implemented at the Closed Test server, and the remaining features of this taming mechanics the would be made later.
Spring discounts up to 65% on the all access bundles and Gold for March 8th!


Congratulations to all beautiful ladies on this wonderful spring holiday - International Women's Day March 8th!

Special holiday discounts up to 65% on the all bundles of early access, hurry up to make a purchase at the best price!
Closed Test of the new server. Wild Terra update 0.8 - video review


What happens on the Closed Testing? What has been done on the new server, and what remains to be done, before we can open a server for all of our players?

See it all in the video review update 0.8 from the Closed Testing!
New world of Wild Terra. Open test

Open the test server for testing the New World and the new Wild Terra client! We were working on this update within a few months. Currently, it is the largest patch, and the game is greatly changed. Infographic tell you about the major innovations

Anyone can take part in the testing and help us to find errors and flaws, order to this update came rather to the main servers.

If you enjoy the game, you can support us by purchasing the early access. During tests - an additional discount to the bundles!

Download the new test client ...
The test client is installed separately from the main and does not interfere with play. Tests will last for a few days
Open Testing continues for one more week!


Thanks to everyone for your help in testing the upcoming updates. We have decided to extend the open testing for one more week! Anyone can take part in this. All information about innovations available here

Download the new test client

Actively share your impressions at the forum and social networks, invite friends along, and report any bugs on [email protected]. We highly appreciate your opinion about the game and the details of the balance of innovation!
Opened the new server "Novus"


We are glad to inform you that realesed the new primary server "Novus", on the latest version of the game -

Download and install the new client right now, having started play at the same time with others. Find your place in the Wild Terra world, develop, and become one of the first!

For join to other players, you need purchase one of the Early Access bundles on our website.

New in 0.8.1

Implemented a distributed system of the global world, the map can now be expanded endlessly.
Realized safety zones where you can be quiet for your life and buildings.
Introduced disputed lands, where structures not require dominium. Here you can create castles without any restrictions.
Now you can choose the character's gender.
Now you can tame and ride on all large animals.
We implemented a new system of hunger and restore stamina and the food is now divided into several types.
Animals and the players are now using a 3-dimensional models and their animation became smooth. Support WebGL became a must.


The game has become much less demanding on the computer's memory.
Removed separate slots in the fires, stoves and other manufacture machines.
Changed the behavior pattern of animals hunting them will be harder and more interesting.
Players and animals now can bypass obstacles.
All resources are now mined a little faster.
Premium bonus is now 2 times increases the amount of collected resources, the chance to obtain rare resources, speed of construction and craft.
Objects thrown to the ground, as well as the corpses are now disappearing even dominium zone.
Grouse no longer run away from the big poultry.
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