Wii Fit Review


Great job on the review!

Though I find the tone of the reviewer to be a little too hard it did pinned up a few problem about the wii balance board minigames.

However, I find that there is too much criticism about the balance board than the game itself. I used wii fit as a motivator because I always wanted to do exercise but... I don,t want to suffer. However, because of Wii fit, I have been able to do a daily routine consisting of jogging, push, lunge, plank, bridge and jacknives exercices.

JP_Hurh was right about one thing wii fit does good though. It makes you wanna go outside. I couldn't stand anymore to run in place in my living room so, I began jogging outside. More fun and more challenging.

Nevertheless, I don,t think wii fit really deserves a C+. It doesn't deserve a B+ though it is the garde I would give it. Wii fit really did what no other games tried before (except DDR???) and it is ambitious.

I can understand the score. Reviewed by a person who actually do exercise everyday, the experience may seems shallow on some levels but reviewed by your average joe, I think it might have got a B at least.

JP_Hurh said that you cannot add routine to the game.... that's something I totally agree at 100% with him. It is a bummer but I can understand why Nintendo didn't add it though I don,t think it is a good decision.

In the end of the day, I can say the review was good but a little bit too aggressive I think. Most points were spot on but the game deserves a better score. After all, I owe this game the 10 pounds I lost in 2 weeks.

Healthy food and exercise are your friend :) .
Actually Wii fit isn't revolutionary, and its basic ideas are as old as mario

If you recall, NES had the track and field pad, along with the game, that utilized joging and jumping and such, secondly, the motion balance pad isn't revolutionary either, granted the nintendo one was wired, and an abysmal peice of crap, but there was one.

I sank your battleship
And just because something is ambitious doesn't make it good. An example of this would be Lair. A game where you fly around using motion controls is ambitious, but Lair wasn't a good game.
I agree with his "too much peripherals" comments. How many other games do you think will be utilizing this device. We might get a new batch of Wii Sports games that utilize the pad, but again, this leads into the gimmicky nature of the system.

Even more appaling was what I read about the game trying to coerce his fellow residents into joining the game. I'm sure the game is fun with more people, especially to laugh at, but at the same time I don't enjoy a game telling me "Hey, get your friends to play too!" Seems too much like brainwashing at work.

What next, a Wii game utilizing praying on the balance board to Nintendo and Miyamoto, as the screen reprograms your brain to forsake all other systems?
Remember though, the periphrial is the first one of it's kind in a way. There is a chance that it will be improved on in the future.
it was actually jesse's review. my fault on clicking the wrong author. and congrats on losing the weight.

jesse's in better shape than me, but i was still surprised when wii fit called me a "skinny mother*ucker"

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