When did Gr become gamespot?


So i opened up internet explorer and it went to my home page right away. My home page is of course Gr, but to my suprise, instead of the default homepage, i was staring at a large advertisement where i had to click a button in the top right corner of the page to get directed to the home page. I always hated encountering this at gamespot and ign, and it's the first time i've seen it here. I'm not really complaining, i know that you guys need advertisements to make money, but i've never seen that type of advertisement on Gr before.
I encountered this today, too. Not at the home page, but while browsing the site. I don't mind it. but at least make the ad pages match the motif of the site, not that bright white with blue header.
Hmm..I'm kind of bothering by this. It's not like it's that hard to click the link but GR has never had ads like that before and I've never liked them at Gamespot.
Yes they have.

GR's had those roadblock ads for quite a while. I recall complaining about them well over a year ago the first time I saw one at GR, and at the time I was told that GR had had them for a while even back then. So they're nothing new to the website.

Perhaps they haven't been using them in a little while though? I haven't seen one in a while either.
Yeah, this wasn't the first time I've seen that sort of ad at GR, but definetly the first time in a while.
Not the roadblocks, you guys are talking about the interstitials, the adds that take over your screen when you want to come to GR and have the "Continue on to Game Revolution" link at the top.

That's quite an ad. But you know how you guys always ask why we didn't review game X, or why game Y was covered so late, if at all? Well, if these ads bring in the money we hope they will, we should be able to afford tighter coverage, pursue more features, write more mailbags and actually be less like Gamespot than ever.

*Crosses fingers, uninstalls World of Warcraft*
it's bugged and it's serving waaaay to many of them. it';s also not suppose to come up before the site does. working on getting it fixed.

I'm glad they're useful to you guys. I just find it funny that people who buy advertising thing that people actually look at the add. I'd say the funniest occurence of this is going to Knott's Berry Farm and seeing "Supreme Scream, sponsored by Toyota" as if people are going to go "you know what? let's buy a Toyota on the way home."
TheNesMan said:
Funny how people with firefox always seem so pretentious.


Good job making the ads look more integrated with the site, whoever did that.
Joe_Dodson said:
But you know how you guys always ask why we didn't review game X, or why game Y was covered so late, if at all? Well, if these ads bring in the money we hope they will, we should be able to afford tighter coverage, pursue more features, write more mailbags and actually be less like Gamespot than ever.

You know, that argument could very easily become perpetual, losing sight of what people liked GR for!

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