What was the last game you bought?

I Ordered Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway back in the summer. According to my Amazon Package Tracker, the game is in my city now. Should be there when I get home from class. Weeee!
CrossworDS for the Nintendo DS. Not as fun or challenging as I would have hoped, but it will still likely be a while until I unlock the higher difficulty of puzzles. And it was only 15 bucks.
jivesc00ter said:
shandog137 said:
Genji days of the Blade. Because I was an onimusha fan and just wanted a quick samurai fix for $20 used

i loved the onimusha series, is genji anything like it?

It looks better and it's fun but I think the onimusha camera was better. it has a fixed camera which gets annoying but I think I will beat it this weekend. Quick fun game.

The semester's kicking my ass pretty hard, so I'm lucky to get an hour of game time a week. I'll get to the center of the galaxy someday!
NBA 2K8. It's really fun and the two player is so fun, I love slamming it on somebody, its a temporary adrenaline rush.

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