What older PC game deserves a modern remake?

I've been thinking about all these remakes and remasters lately. Got me wondering about those classic PC games we used to play back in the day. You know, the ones with killer gameplay but graphics that look ancient now. What old-school PC game do you guys think really needs a fresh coat of paint? I'm talking full remake, not just a remaster. Like, imagine your favorite childhood game with today's graphics and maybe some updated mechanics. What game would you love to see brought back to life? Personally, I've got a few in mind, but I'm curious what you all think. Drop your picks below!
I've been thinking about all these remakes and remasters lately. Got me wondering about those classic PC games we used to play back in the day. You know, the ones with killer gameplay but graphics that look ancient now. What old-school PC game do you guys think really needs a fresh coat of paint? I'm talking full remake, not just a remaster spotify++ ios. Like, imagine your favorite childhood game with today's graphics and maybe some updated mechanics. What game would you love to see brought back to life? Personally, I've got a few in mind, but I'm curious what you all think. Drop your picks below!
Great question! There are so many classics that would be incredible with a full remake. I'd love to see "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" get a modern makeover with today's graphics and updated mechanics—it had a fantastic story and gameplay that could shine with current technology. Another one that comes to mind is "Half-Life"—imagine the immersion of that world with modern physics and visuals! What about "Deus Ex" or "Diablo II"? They’d be amazing with a fresh coat of paint. Can't wait to hear everyone else's picks!

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