What happened to gore in FPS genre?


Remember Doom and early FPS games, they were so awesome and gory. I almost find it disturbing (haha) that when you play most war games for example COD; there is absolutely no gore (aside from blood). I'm sorry but shouldnt violent games be more uhh...violent? Probably boils down to censorship. There are a few gory FPS games out these days, but they are all over the top and silly for the most part. If these new war games are supposed to be realistic then lets see people get blown to pieces in Battlefield 3 or COD, MOH, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon etc. I guess im asking more why there isn't gore in millitary FPS games. Don't say Soldier of Fortune...the newest one is shit but hey if you could do that type of damage in COD I might jump back on the bandwagon. Yea I'm sick in the head I know, but if your going to simulate war, why not do it right?
Red Orchestra 2 supplies full gore and dismemberment, and the Band of Brothers games are pretty gory as well. 'Bout the only two I can think of.
De-Ting said:
Borderlands ftw.

And CoD World at War had gore, but then Black Ops didn't...

Yes World at War had gore, but from what I remember it was only in Zombies and Single Player right?
People would pitch too much of a fit if games like CoD and BF had gore, going with that whole 'murder simulator' bullshit again and claiming that it's making people more violent.

Personally, i think it would be better with more gore. So all the 13yo playing don't think that you magically drop dead when you're shot twice in the stomach. No, your ass is going to be on the ground in agony until you pass out from blood loss.
Getting shot in the arm doesn't mean nothing, it means that arm now won't work properly for likely the rest of your life and it will get you killed because you can no longer use a 2 handed weapon to full effect. If your arm gets shot with a large caliber weapon, say good bye to it.
Having a frag grenade go off near you can send shrapnel into you eye(s), so try killing the enemy while your screen is filled with blood and black spots.
madster111 said:
People would pitch too much of a fit if games like CoD and BF had gore, going with that whole 'murder simulator' bullshit again and claiming that it's making people more violent.

Personally, i think it would be better with more gore. So all the 13yo playing don't think that you magically drop dead when you're shot twice in the stomach. No, your ass is going to be on the ground in agony until you pass out from blood loss.
Getting shot in the arm doesn't mean nothing, it means that arm now won't work properly for likely the rest of your life and it will get you killed because you can no longer use a 2 handed weapon to full effect. If your arm gets shot with a large caliber weapon, say good bye to it.
Having a frag grenade go off near you can send shrapnel into you eye(s), so try killing the enemy while your screen is filled with blood and black spots.

people would probably just complain that the game was too hard.
People don't want realism in games. They want the game to look realistic, sure, but they want the gameplay to be fantastical.

And the real reason gore is gone? Back in the old days, that was all done with sprites. It's much easier to make a sprite of gore than a model of gore.
Longo_2_guns said:
People don't want realism in games. They want the game to look realistic, sure, but they want the gameplay to be fantastical.

And the real reason gore is gone? Back in the old days, that was all done with sprites. It's much easier to make a sprite of gore than a model of gore.

I disagree, with the leap in technology since back then it should be a lot easier not harder. Polygons are the sprites of today. I simply think developers are too scared of the reprecussions.
All adding gore would do is take away engine resources that could be added to things that actually matter in a game...

Gore or no gore doesn't bother me one bit.
pres50 said:
Yes World at War had gore, but from what I remember it was only in Zombies and Single Player right?
And multiplayer. I can't tell you how many times I watched my entire lower body get blown off by that whore, Betty.
cyberjim2000 said:
Didn't Fallout 3 and New Vegas had gore? I only played the beginning of Skyrim but I'm sure I saw a guy got executed.

it was a feature you could turn on or off. Basically more of a dismemberment mod than anything. Though, a bit more graphic than most.
Yeah, Fallout 3 and NV had some nice gore, mainly because the gore was a big part of the gameplay - disable the limbs.

The head explosions were thrown in there 'because'.
Both Black Ops and WaW had gore in the Campaign/Zombies.

WaW had it in multiplayer, but Treyarch decided to use the resources for something else.
Brothers in Arms had gore as well, but...I only like Road to Hill 30.

Also, even though some games are rated M, that doesn't mean you should just toss in gore. It wouldn't sit well with me if Halo had gore, honestly. Hell, I cringed a little when Emile was stabbed.

Let's be honest, do you really want to see limbs flying around everywhere in Battlefield 3? Syndicate might have your fix though.
I believe the game industry did their due diligence and came to the same realization about gore that the horror movie industry did.

Gore and gratuitous nudity, the best way to attract 13 year old children to your franchise.

I'm just not as interested in seeing it as I was when I was a kid. Limbs getting blown off, sure, that is always fun to see, fun to play around with. But anything more than that, just unnecessary.
Anyone remember Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2?

Awesome amounts of gore and fun gameplay, played a lot of it back when.

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