What classics are you currently playing?

Etrian Odyssy, it should remind you of Wizardry, and it's quite old-school in terms of gameplay, and will be quite the challenge to beat.
Since I just cleared every single game on my Wii recently, except Guitar Hero III, but let's say I can't really decide to turn it on and clear the game, right? I'm on freaking expert! Anyway, since my computer sucks so badly, I decided to install games that it was sure to be able to run : SNES roms! I'm currently playing Breath of Fire. Funny how people didn't care about the level design in those days and how the bosses can be beaten at any level, as long as you have enough herbs. And the story sucks, but if it didn't, it wouldn't be Capcom and Square Enix, right?
Tetris and some islander series. Gameboy!

For now, when i'm not playing my current MMORPG, WYDGlobal , I lay down on the sofa and turn on my good ol' Game Boy...ahhh yes...the simpicity of gaming.....Tetris, Islander, TMNT, and Contra....up,up, down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a,b,a,select,start...yeah dude!! Extra 30 lives!! Now that's gaming experience!!^w^

Just got a heavy dose of Puzzle Quest and back into Etrian Odyssey, going after the unknown stratum.
And Sam and Max sooner or later.
Been playing Diablo2 oddly enough; though all my old characters were deleted, i'm having a good time with the baal runs and the ninja looting.

us-east ftw
The classic game I'm currently playing is Final Fantasy VIII. My 360 is dead, so I figure I needed a good, long game to play to keep me busy while it gets repaired.

I don't think I ever have completed it, the last time I played it I was much younger and FF games got too difficult after a point. I'm still on Disc One right now.
I'm currently playing Heroes of Might & Magic II. As awesome now as it was when it first came out. I'm hoping the Heroes of Might & Magic MMO turns out to be good, though I believe it will initially suffer due to its inevitable acronym of HoMMO.
I've been playing all the classic Megaman games. Of course they are on the PS2 Anniversary collection, but whatever, they are still fun
Trying to beat the Donkey Kong Countries. Damn I don't recall them being so hard and sometimes unfair when I was a kid. :?

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