Urban's Mystery Vinyl Club


Everyone Wears a Mask
Hey guys o/

So I went home to the East Coast for xmas this holiday season, and I felt interested in learning a bit more about my parents by digging through their old shit. As a result, I came across tons of awkward, interesting, and downright confusing artifacts that once belonged to my parental units. During the search, I stumble on a few suitcases full of vinyl records in pretty decent shape! Listening to a few of them I wanted to do something with them, but I haven't quite figured out what yet - so while I make my way through the collection I'm also recording the tracks for a friend of mine who DJ's and produces music. He'll probably sample them and use them in the future, but side I've got the digital copy I was wondering if any of you would be interested in giving it a listen.


How it'll work:
-message me with your email address
-after I record the files (every other day or few days or so), I will send you an email'd copy in .mp3 format

The collection:
-about 3 suitcases (overhead bin size), full of vinyl records ranging from Janis Joplin Live to Jerry Butler to Elton John to Earth Wind and Fire.

Your input:
-Let me know if you're interested and also if you have any ideas for these outside of just selling the records on discogs or gemm.
-Should I include anything with the copys I send you? A text write up? A link to the album?

What do you think your kids will think when they look at your current collection of junk in the future?
Oh absolutely.

And when my kids look at the junk I've got, they'll question why I had so many comic books and toys as an adult.

They're collectables, dammit!
Earth Wind & Fire is awesome! You should try to save them all as lossless files, although that may take up a lot of space.

My hypothetical kids will probably listen to my Zappa collection and start telling everyone they were adopted. I actually have around 30 of his studio albums on CD now; five DVDs; two vinyls (they're expensive) and few bootlegs on tape.
Just post the sex tape of your parents and be done with it!

I'm in a similar position as Longo - so many manga books still going up today and my kids will wonder what the fuck I did in my 20s apart from read and wank to asian porn.
If it's your parents stuff, keep them man. Specially vinyl records. Kids nowadays don't understand what those are. My mom has a sh*tload of them. She even bought herself a converter to record the vinyl records into .mp3

I probably won't have kids, but my friend's kids will probably think I'm a virgin with my Batman swag.
UghRochester said:
If it's your parents stuff, keep them man. Specially vinyl records. Kids nowadays don't understand what those are. My mom has a sh*tload of them. She even bought herself a converter to record the vinyl records into .mp3

I probably won't have kids, but my friend's kids will probably think I'm a virgin with my Batman swag.

He's not sending the vinyls themselves.
Green_Lantern said:
UghRochester said:
If it's your parents stuff, keep them man. Specially vinyl records. Kids nowadays don't understand what those are. My mom has a sh*tload of them. She even bought herself a converter to record the vinyl records into .mp3

I probably won't have kids, but my friend's kids will probably think I'm a virgin with my Batman swag.

He's not sending the vinyls themselves.
I know that, but he's giving them to his friend, since he's a DJ and in return he's getting the digital form of them. I'd say keep them. I wouldn't want those to get ruined.

EDIT: I read that wrong. I though he was giving some vinyls to his friend to DJ with.
There is definitely a large bit of Earth Wind and Fire in the collection. I will be sending it out today for those who sent me their emails. I think the quality is good, but any feedback is appreciated.

No sex tapes, but why keep toys :( especially old and hopefully out of commission. oversharing, but whatever.

Nothing wrong with Batman swag., and if you're looking to sell the vinyls go on GEMM. I've got a few in my collection that are priced $25+. I'm kinda with you Ugh, it feels terrible to sell - but its cumbersome to keep. Still feeling pretty good to try to guess at my parents activities and social hobbies based on their music at my age.

the first two going out:
It is a cool find. I have great memories of listening to my parents' vinyls when I was a kid. Cant tell you how many times I rocked out to the Eurythmics on lounge carpet!
I didn't get the email, but I checked him out on Youtube. I dig it! Sounds a lot like King Crimson's Beat album; very Adrian Belew-esque.
Urb, may we use your thread to show off our own vinyl purchases? I have recently acquired a few and thought I'd post some pics later.

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