

So I'm in the market for a new keyboard, browsing Canada Computers. Go to check out the Corsair Strafe keyboard. Hit play on the video for it and who else do I see but Urban's beautiful mug.

Really no purpose for this thread other than the fact that I found it deeply satisfying to see a fellow GR member making something of himself. (Not to say no one else here has, I know you have.) Was just really cool to see. I know I'm not around these parts much anymore, and I'm sure no one cares. Always kinda popped in and out, made some friends, made some enemies. But didn't make much of an impact.

/end dear diary

Anyway, congrats Urban hope to see you pop up on more random videos in the future! I wish you and everyone else here, (even Chris Crime) success, health, and happiness now and forever.

PS: Would you recommend the Corsair Strafe keyboard Urban?
intoTheRain said:
So I'm in the market for a new keyboard, browsing Canada Computers. Go to check out the Corsair Strafe keyboard. Hit play on the video for it and who else do I see but Urban's beautiful mug.

Anyway, congrats Urban hope to see you pop up on more random videos in the future! I wish you and everyone else here, (even Chris Crime) success, health, and happiness now and forever.


Iz Famus nao! Sweet \o/ I work at will with them so they can choose to call me up for convention or product work tomorrow or lose my number permanently. I guess they like me because they keep signing me up, but I know what I'm doing isn't hurting them because they're shipping a lot of units, I just worry that I make an ass out of myself in some interviews... oh well. TOTES WORTH IT THOUGH!

intoTheRain said:
PS: Would you recommend the Corsair Strafe keyboard Urban?

I would actually recommend the K95 RGB for one specific feature - The Volume roller.. Dear lord, using that thing I feel like the quality of my life has improved significantly.. trust me, it makes a difference. Strafe is cool because you can get it in blues but you can get the 95s in Silent - like two different sides of the noise spectrum. Its really up to you man, pick your poison and pick your price range. I'm much more fond of my M65 mouse though, but I prefer a heavier mouse. Oh well

http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Gaming-Me ... B00N4OBCWY
Getting it entirely for gaming. Didn't you say in the video that the keys in the strafe are silent? I love the idea because the wife hates mechanical. And from what I've read reds and browns are best for gaming?

You're the expert. I'm pretty out of the loop on keyboards. Being using Logitech k800s forever. Quite like them unfortunately they seem to have a tendency to fall apart which I've grown tired of. I had a black widow once but they drove my other half insane but they were waaay noisier back then.

As for mice I just bought a Logitech proteus core and I absolutely love it. Was tempted to go with the corsair vengeance m65 but I preferred the feel of the Logitech.
Reds are the best because the actuation point is the least path of travel - which relates to quick response. brown is the next, then followed by the blue - but the blue has the ticatacaticataca sound response.. but can be kind of annoying. Silent is kind of in the middle between red and brown in terms of actuation but totally silent where sound comparisons are concerned.

Honestly unless you're Pro or competitive (Red,Brown,Silent - all the same) blues are slower only because of the resistance generated for the sound. Pic whatever you want based on that.

I'm lucky enough to get this gear for free or else i might not reason those purchases, but now that I have them and have tried the competitors for a frame of reference I'm convinced that corsair is the most engineered accessory while logitech and razr might be in it to sell gaming / edgy / fad type stuff. meh, just my two cents.

I value my mouse more than my keyboard - but the lighting effects are the redeeming factor for me.
Just went to Corsair's YouTube channel to watch you interviewing some guy about keyboards.


Keep it up, dude.
Dude GR people are all getting popular, i need to go do something with my life just to keep up. Celebritizing all over the place.

UrbanMasque said:
I'm lucky enough to get this gear for free or else i might not reason those purchases, but now that I have them and have tried the competitors for a frame of reference I'm convinced that corsair is the most engineered accessory while logitech and razr might be in it to sell gaming / edgy / fad type stuff. meh, just my two cents.
Hence the reason so many people went so insane when corsair gaming was announced.
People buy corsair because they want to spend more money to get quality, they don't want to buy overpriced cheap shit with 'gamer' stickers thrown all over it. Dat solid feel is so very important.

On the subject of the clickyclack, i prefer the browns over the red/blue/black, perfect travel length for me. Been meaning to try those chinese ones razer use now, see what they're all about.

I'd also like to point out that holy shit, i KNEW i recognized the guy every time i visited the PCCG page for the strafe, i just didn't know where. Pic related:
Guys, Ducky and Filco are where it's at when it comes to keyboards. And personally I love reds the most for gaming, but I've been really close to trying out a topre too.

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