Transgendered man pregnant

Do you beileve people can be transgendered?

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So did this guy get a uterus implanted into his body? Or is he pulling a Schwarzenegger from Junior?
DocMoc said:
So did this guy get a uterus implanted into his body? Or is he pulling a Schwarzenegger from Junior?

Doc, the guy (Tom Beatie) was born a woman, but had hormone treatment, and reconstructive surgery, because he felt he was a man trapped in a woman's body. He didn't get a hysterectomy, and as his wife Nancy was unable to have children, he decided to undergo artificial insemination, so the couple could still have children.
Boy do I feel silly.

Edit: Have you ever had one of those moments when have your foot in your mouth?
Enigma said:
"He" DIDNT have their vagina removed hence why thje female organs were still in tact, hence why he/she was able to become pregnant. The breasts were removed and he undertook hormone treatments to make his clitorus look more like a penis.

The female organs were in tact and the subject still required doner sperm to fall pregnant.

So as far as saying a "man" has become pregnant is still quite far from reality.

Now onto the topic of transgenders. Can a male be trapped in a female body and vice versa? There are certainly cases where a child has been born say with a vagina but also produces male hormones and sperm. I'm not sure but I think these cases may be quite rare.

For a fully developed female or male decide to become the opposite sex I see as a whole different thing. It would have to come from the mind wouldn't it? So wouldn't it be more helpful for a person to undertake therapy sessions with a psychologist etc. before undergoing such drastic measures?

Why do they feel so strongly that they need to become the opposite sex. Why not just blur the lines and stereotypes of each gender? I guess you just don't know unless you're in that situiation.
Well the article said transgendered man pregnant so I said he instead of she and transgendered doesn't really mean you got a sex change,it means a girl tapped in a boys body or the other way around.

Oh and heres another picture for you all....
I kinda feel bad for the kid, i mean you know hes gonna find out that his dad is kinda half women. and boy what if this gets out too one of his peers, i think its an overall bad situation. On top of that the kids Mom must be unstable in some way, beacuse the lack of a sex life in a long term realtionship like that takes a toll on some one, not too mention she went for a transgendered person when she probably could have gone for a guy without a vagina, but who knows maybe she is just open minded, either that or
Mr.Beatie has sick game with the ladies.
jc00l said:
...either that or Mr.Beatie has sick game with the ladies.

Wow. By far the best call I've heard in a long time. It also makes me feel more inadequate than normal...
Man, he, she, it looks so much like a man in the face I cannot believe it was completely woman once. Must've been one ugly ass chick...

That kid is going to have one tough upbringing, yikes.
jc00l said:
I kinda feel bad for the kid, i mean you know hes gonna find out that his dad is kinda half women. and boy what if this gets out too one of his peers, i think its an overall bad situation. On top of that the kids Mom must be unstable in some way, beacuse the lack of a sex life in a long term realtionship like that takes a toll on some one, not too mention she went for a transgendered person when she probably could have gone for a guy without a vagina, but who knows maybe she is just open minded, either that or
Mr.Beatie has sick game with the ladies.
The people magizane article said that they would tell the kid when he's old enough.I guess Thomas Beatie won't take his shirt off in front of the kid or else the kid might suspect something,even at a young age.
NjNakedSnake said:
Man, he, she, it looks so much like a man in the face I cannot believe it was completely woman once. Must've been one ugly ass chick...

Actually when he was female, he was a Philipiano model, an attractive woman.

Why do all transexual "men" grow their beards out? Just to prove they can? Shave, you cavelings.

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