Tomb Raider

Wes said:
I love how Lara Croft has changed with the times in terms of hotness.

Fro example, in the 90's we were all about giant balloon titties (don't ask me why). And Lara had those gigantic hooters that turned many innocent gamers into perves over night.

But now we're out of that giant fake boob craze and we're back to appreciating hotness in women who aren't artifical... well, ok she's a video game character... but you know what I mean! ...RIGHT?

the video game market back in the day when old tomb raider games were coming out was a much younger demographic. and younger kids are all about the big boobs at that age.

now that the age of average video gamer has gotten much older, they design her to appeal to that age group. which is the modelish slim figure petite breasts tight body look.


or we could be looking into it entirely too deep and were just seeing the lead designer of laras characters ideal woman.

that said pretty sure im getting this for ps3 this weekend. seems more a console game than a pc game to me.

how it look on pc compared to ps3 anyone know? drastic difference or meh?
I really enjoy that Laura looks like a intelligent, respectable, good looking girl(Without wearing a ton of makeup).

Shes also intelligent and doesn't have a bitchy attitude. More proof you can have a intelligent female character who can look nice, and be nice, while still being strong.

I enjoy playing a female heroine in a game and she doesn't have to have huge tits or be wearing a stripper outfit. I would only hope we will see more intelligent,quick, normal good looking girls in video games to inspire.

She does seem to always have perfectly clean hair with TressFX though.

To me she was shaped correctly even had a relatively sensible butt.
Im just waiting for crazy women to get angry that shes too thin by today's standards :lol: ... lda308.jpg

On a side note Nvidia users are experiencing random crashes in the game(Has nothing to do with tressfx) According to report eidos didnt share with nvidia the game until the day before release.
Nvidia said it will be a few weeks before they release a driver fix. Ouch nvidia.
How long is this game, and how quick timey is it? I ask because every video I've watched seems to have a lot of QTEs. Thanks.
Sourdeez said:
On a side note Nvidia users are experiencing random crashes in the game(Has nothing to do with tressfx) According to report eidos didnt share with nvidia the game until the day before release.
Nvidia said it will be a few weeks before they release a driver fix. Ouch nvidia.

ps3 it is
Wes said:
I love how Lara Croft has changed with the times in terms of hotness.

Fro example, in the 90's we were all about giant balloon titties (don't ask me why). And Lara had those gigantic hooters that turned many innocent gamers into perves over night.

But now we're out of that giant fake boob craze and we're back to appreciating hotness in women who aren't artifical... well, ok she's a video game character... but you know what I mean! ...RIGHT?

According to this: ... --part-one

Apparently one of the developers was messing around with the slider that adjusts her breast. He accidentally went too far then another developer saw the result and the rest is history.
LawnGnome said:
How long is this game, and how quick timey is it? I ask because every video I've watched seems to have a lot of QTEs. Thanks.

Hey man, I'd probably estimate the game is anywhere between ten to fifteen hours. I think realistically you could smash the campaign pretty quick if you just go straight through it, but if you're a collector and you like to find the hidden stuff (relics, journal logs, weapon upgrades, hidden tombs and whatnot) the game will obviously take you longer.

The game has a fair amount of quick times, but in my opinion they're executed well. It's a bit similar to say, Resident Evil 4, where when a quick time event occurs you gotta do it, it's fast and frantic, if you fail than that means death, which sure is annoying if you do fail and die, but honestly I prefer that than other games with quick time (e.g. The Force Unleashed, massive quick time events, if you fail, you just gotta do it again, FUUUU-). Most of 'em aren't difficult or frustrating either.

In-combat the quick time works well, when you dodge/scramble away from a melee attack, if done right, you'll have to time a button to perform a counter attack, if you fail nothing happens, you still avoid the attack but just don't counter.
I just wanted to report they have now released a patch for the game that fixes the nvidia crash issues.
*thumbs up* crystal dynamics
Sourdeez said:
I just wanted to report they have now released a patch for the game that fixes the nvidia crash issues.
*thumbs up* crystal dynamics

Wow that was quick. Developers normally take a lot longer than that.

Or, you know, never.
Uncharted Tomb:

Featuring really shit hair physics and some Ass Creed 3 hunting.

Also, much like BF3 the graphics are very pretty. And also make it very hard to see.
...And entirely average fire physics.
Yeah the fire graphic was the one thing that stood out to me. Its almost like just a 2d fire on her torch. Kinda odd looking.
Not yet. Once I finished single player I haven't really played it since, aside from trying to track down some hidden stuff and brutally kill some bad guys I left behind.
It's not great. There's a cool mode though where survivors collect 5 packages before cultists kill them 20 times.
I miss her boobs.

EDIT: Jokes aside, I started playing this game a little bit today. I really like it. I was reading previews and discussions about this game prior to this release and I was kinda worried about them making Laura seem a bit more vulnerable, and she is, but I don't see any problem with it. She is still tough as nails (who the fuck falls down like 10 feet on a spike and pulls it out of their abdomen?) and still fits into her character, just a lot younger and inexperienced. Thiu far, I think they did a good job.
The MP in TR is tacked on. Has no substance whatsoever. Sick of developer's doing this to games. They need to learn from Irrational's Bioshock games. :)
CloacalKiss said:
The MP in TR is tacked on. Has no substance whatsoever. Sick of developer's doing this to games. They need to learn from Irrational's Bioshock games. :)

They tacked on multiplayer to BioShock 2 though...

Or do you mean learn from that mistake?

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