The time has come...


I have decided to sell my Wii. The Wii emphasizes multiplayer games far more than single-player, and I prefer the latter. As much as I love Brawl, it cannot hold up against the other systems alone. The question is, what do I replace it with, 360 or PS3? Before you jump to 360, consider that I have a friend who already owns a 360, so I can play any game on it. Also, I DO NOT LIKE SHOOTERS. I would not buy Halo 3 or CoD4 if I choose 360. Help me out guys.
PS3 got a good lineup coming up.

I had a hard time choosing too and I chose the 360 first and I regret it. I got my PS3 and I am glad!

My friend also got a 360 but he does't want to go on xboxlive anyway.... PS3 is a good all round and got more choice of other type of game if you ask me.

Also, I disagree with selling the wii. If you need the money to actually buy your new console then that's ok but I find I have more games on my wii then any other console. I actually play many gamecube games on my wii and the virtual console is nice. Also, the wii games aren't so bad. Sure, there are not so many title.... but 3rd party devellopers seems to have understand that if they want to make money on the wii....they gotta work harder. Also, as you said.... the wii is more axed on multiplayer but it features great single player title.

I see the wii as a nostalgia console..... to play pas games (ports, vc, gamecube) and some cool new games (Mario, Brawl, Kart, Zelda, Paper mario, Okami, FE, Mario strikers). I actually never bought a mni game title on the wii (like raving rabbits) and I am happy without it.... those kind of games are good in small doses..... and 3rd party company seems to have forget that.
well paradox...

I bought it for 300, bought Brawl as well for 50. I am probably gonna sell them both for 300. PM me for futher interest

The only thing is, everyone's been dissing the PS3, and I already have a PS2, so I'm losing the playback advantage. Unless I sell my PS2 as well...
I dunno how much second hand Wii's a worth given they are in short supply but generally second hand products sell for a lot less then that. Hense why I never sell a console until the the next generation is here or approaching. Who knows what the Wii will hold. Keep the Wii but by all means pick up a 360 or PS3.

I've got a lot more fun out of my 360 then PS3, but when you take shooters, multiplayer, and games that are on both systems out of it then you may be better suited with the PS3. Plus it's got blu-ray which is great if you've got a HDTV.
Rakon said:
bought Brawl
The only thing is, everyone's been dissing the PS3
You seem to take others views to heart. You bought brawl even though its is a horrible game. And people diss the 360 and the Wii and PC gaming, and PS3. So why do you care that their dissing it? Do you have no personal preference? I'm not trying to be a dick :lol:
But I'm sure it's coming across like that.
Its not that I take others words to heart, its just that the whole video game world seems to dislike the PS3. Personally, I always thought it was cool, and anyone I know who has it likes it. The playback feature does haunt me though, because I do have a PS2. Also, I love Brawl, but I don't even use the Wiimote, can't stand it.
Why would it haunt you? Because it dosent have the playback feature? And maybe if I played brawl with the gamecube controller it would have been better but I doubt it.

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