Why Wii Will win the Console Wars


In my opinion that is. Feel free to state the contrary. Feel even more free to do so with evidence. Anyways here are my thoughts.

XBOX 360 has been out for quite a bit of time. Has it been a raving success? No.

Unlike the PS3 and the Wii, one has to pay a monthly sunscription to play online.

Much like the PS3, it was cursed with high-end and low-end versions. Wii has none of that nonsense.

What was Xbox 360 but a puffed up Xbox? Hopefully with its blu-ray capabilities and tilt-controller, the PS3 can avoid that. I would not want to have a rehashed version of something I already have.

The Wii is cheap. CHEAP people, CHEAP! One thing that did piss me off was to have the nunchuk and the wiimote as being separate items meaning they dont come in the same package.

The Wii has foundations...who wouldnt want to play Zelda, Mario, Super Smash, MonkeyBall etc.?

Of course the PS3 has its GTA, yet the volume and number that wii offers is of crucial importance.

Lastly, the wiimote is by far the most innovative addition to the videogame market.

so yeah!

bullshit we all know the ps3 will be best it will have the smoothest graphics and great games like guitar hero 3 and metal gear solid 4
Or maybe all three will be great? They all have a solid list of games. The downfall for the Wii for many is the lack of HD support.

I plan on getting all three but I have a 360 sitting here for Christmas and I don't care if I need to pay for the online component. It's such a small amount anyways and the online community makes it worth it. Microsoft has had great customer service with the 360 and really out did themselves.

I think all consoles will be great in their own right.

Oh...GTA 4 is coming to the 360 as well. So that exclusive to Sony thing isn't quite true anymore.
PLEASE STOP WITH THIS ''CONSOLE WARS' BULLSHIT! It's really getting annoying now. There is no war, no one will die over Videogame console sales! Countries won't lose their economies! Everyone has their own opinion on these three consoles. In mine the Xbox 360 is a far superior, proven console. I really do think what Nintendo are trying to do is commendable, but the Wii is just going to be flooded with the most terribly gimmicky games ever seen on the planet. Then there is the PS 3. That console is just a complete rip-off of the 360 and Wii. Plus it's fat, ugly not to forget that it's online capabilities and blu ray tech are completely unreliable and totally unproven. Oh and as for GTA 4, it will be better on the 360. (Exclusive episodic content)
I'm enjoying my 360 a lot. But I only got it because I was interested in some of its games like Dead Rising and Alan Wake. I also plan to pick up Condemned.

So what does that tell us? That it doesn't matter if you've got a wii remote, a blu-ray disc player or a wireless controller, you get a console based on the games that interest you.

Personally, I think the PS3 is anybody's guess at this point. It has the power to surpass the 360 and the Wii in graphic but only if developers can learn to work with it's insane hardware. It isn't GTA4 exclusive and there will be bonus content on the 360, but I can't help but think of RE4 on the PS2. It wasn't as spectacular looking on the PS2 as it was on the GC but the bonus content made up for it. It could be possible the same thing is happening here.

The Wii looks like the most original console and Twilight Princess looks really cool but Zelda would be the only Nintendo franchise I would be interested in. I'm tired of Mario's adventures. Since the other consoles offer more games that appeal to me, I'm not interested in the unique game play Nintendo has to offer. But I do think Nintendo is smart in developing this console.

Nobody knows what the future holds. The PS3 could be amazing if Konami, Capcom, Rockstar, SquareEnix, etc take advantage of all it has to offer. The 360 could continue to come out with some nice exclusive games like Halo 3 and Alan Wake. The Wii could blow everything out of the water with its innovative game play and cheap price. Only time will tell.
mario and shit are not wanted anymore, wii is going to win but because of those old outdated games, but because of stuff like red steel.
Mod-Chip said:
Unlike the PS3 and the Wii, one has to pay a monthly sunscription to play online.

It's $50 a year. And it's better than any online service that Nintendo and Sony has ever provided.
That's because the online service for PS3 and Wii aren't up yet :P

We shall see. It will be interesting. Of course these are but my opinions and yes it is a WAR hehe three parties, three different strategies and yes we will decide.

That monthly fee goes a long way in helping provide high quality and stable online gaming. PS3 and the Wii's online gaming services won't hold a candle to Xbox live.

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