The System Wars Revisited

So who "won" the system wars?

  • Microsoft X-BOX

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sony PlayStation 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo GameCube

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Remember back around 2001 you couldn't shake a stick around these boards without coming across a system wars topic? The X-BOX, PS2, and Gamecube were all coming out and nobody could agree about them. Well, 5 years later, and each of these companies has, or is releasing a new console shortly, so why not look back at which system actually won the System Wars?

Sony PlayStation 2
North American Release: October, 2000
Worldwide Sales: 103 million shipped

The PS2 was the first of the nect-gen consoles released. In addition to being backwards compatable, having online capabilities, it also had the ability to play DVDs out of the box. Despite having the weakest hardware of the three systems, fans bought it for the games. Sony had the Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Jak and Daxter, and more. It made a name for itself with the Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry series as well. It also had some great stand-alone titles such as God of War and Shadow if the Colossus.

However, many haters thought the sequels and franchises were all the "POS2" had going for it. Franchises that were popular on the PS1 such as Resident Evil found themselves on other systems, and some "exclusive" titles like GTA3 and MGS2 ended up on other systems.

Microsoft X-BOX
North American Release: November 2001
Worldwide sales: 22 million shipped

Fans who loved Microsofts first venture into the console market loved it. They were wild about the powerful graphic engine it would have. Like a PC, the XBOX could be modded and fitted with a hard drive. It too has internet capabilities. As for games, it started out with Halo. After that, not too much. Soon titles "exclusive" to the PS2, like Metal Gear Solid 2 and GTA 3 were released for it. Popular PC titles like Doom 3 and Half Life 2 also made an appearence.

It took a while for the X-Box to really take off. For a while, all it had going for it was Halo. It didnt really start to pick up until some PS2 and PC titles became available for it. The large size was also a turn off to some.

Nintendo GameCube
North American Release: November 2001
Worldwide sales: 20 million shipped

The GC appealed to younger gamers and older gamers who grew up on Nintendo games. Who doesnt want to play Mario, Smash Brothers, Zelda, and Starfox on a next-gen? There were also some mature titles like Resident Evil. Plus those little CDs were so cool!

The GC seemed to alienate a lot of people who grew up on Nintendo with its games. Everyone loves Mario...but with a squirt gun? How about Starfox? ...with dinosaurs? Zelda fans shit a brick when the first screens for Wind Walker were released.


So now that we have the gift of hindsight, which of the consoles was the best? PS2 had the most sales, but which system overall do you think was the best?
I don't think quantly sold or profit made always reflects quality, just as winning a war doesn't mean you were on the right side...but I'ld have to give the current generation to Sony.....although I havn't actually heard anything for profit which case Nintendo may actually be a suprise victor with it's low cost stratergies.

The xbox was a great system and provided a very big foot-in the industry for MS....but fincially it was a real sink-hole and anyone but MS would have pulled I wouldn't really credit them as "winning" anything.

So which system did I get the most fun out of? hmmm most likely the Xbox...mostly for Halo LANs/Live....followed by the Gamecube...then the PS2. But as I said, winning a war is about numbers and not opinions of good or Sony.
The PS2 won it, but I still like my Gamecube better. But I still voted for the PS2, the ps2 is still a good system with great games. The Xbox has it's good games too, but I liked more of the games on the PS2 and the Gamecube.
I'd go with PS2 simply for the games: every single horror game I've been interested in has been on the PS2. Silent Hill 2-4 were on PS2, Fatal Frame 1-3 are on PS2, Kuon is PS2, Siren, and so on.

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