The Next System


Aren't you tired of playing games that big companies are pumping out, or should I say shoving down our throats. To me the next gaming system should be just be an easy to use ''develop/create your own game machine'' that even little timmy or grandma can use to make cool games that could be shared over a youtube-like service. Gametube? lol..nah too close to the name of that other system. You get what I'm saying though? Obviously the idea is a bit out there, but in due time I'm pretty sure making amazing software could be as simple and fun as drawing a picture on a blank piece of paper and creating your own amazing world to share for free with others.

There would be a lot of kinks to work out for sure...mainly the first being software companies being pissed that they cant take any of our money any more because we will all be making and sharing our own games. Well I shouldnt say software companies would be pissed, they could make games still, and even buy cool new ones off people that have made popular games on the service. Plus your going to want launch titles. Better yet have the launch titles built into the system as kind of a base to start making your own games from. I know I'm a dreamer.
I think Little Big Planet is a perfect example of using your customer base to provide infinite practically free entertainment.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I think Little Big Planet is a perfect example of using your customer base to provide infinite practically free entertainment.

What if the whole concept of the console was like little big planet on a bigger scale?
I'd probably never buy an entire system like that on the sole merit that everyday people can't create a game as well as a large group of coders. If you can find a game up to the caliber of Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, or World of Warcraft on LittleBIGPlanet, or made by any amateur game designer let me know, until then people being able to develop their own games is cool, but every game falls short of the mark of awesome
You rang?


Oops. We thought you said "the" a team.
When I was in 8th grade our conductor said we could vote on and play any pop culture song. I wish I could say that this won. Believe me, my friends and I tried. Instead we played songs from Top Gun.

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