The Evil Within [OT]

Saw the news that The Evil Within will be 30 FPS - I'm okay with this. I'm pretty sure Resident Evil 4 on all consoles was 30 FPS and that game was so bad ass.

Looking forward to pooping myself while playing The Evil Within.
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In Steam, right click on The Evil Within and select “propertiesâ€
I'm enjoying The Evil Within so far, apart from the terrible voice acting/writing, it's great. Very similar to Resident Evil 4, albeit with some stealth mechanics.

It's not as "scary" as I thought it was going to be, but it is very intense.

As for the whole 30 FPS fiasco... I'm okay with it. The game runs just fine. However, I'm not too fond of how close the camera can get to Sebastian, and the "shaky cam" combined with the very narrow "wide screen" is a bit disorientating at times.
I just finished Chapter 3, I'm enjoying it so far. Not sure what I prefer more - the chapter 1 style of play, or the other two. 2 and 3 are so Resident Evil 4-esque it's taking the piss! To the point where it starts in a forest and takes you to a village! Plus, has anyone come across those glass angel statues? Shoot them and they have keys know, a bit like blue medallions ;)

It's a lot harder than I thought too. Had a bit of trouble with the chainsaw guy.
Also, the delay on that needle for the exploding trap disarm thingy is an anus.
I think I'm up to Chapter 5, MattAY and I couldn't agree more. The same seems to be making fun of itself with Resident Evil 4.

I noticed Chapter 1's game play seemed more like Resident Evil 4 in what it was once going to be (e.g. indoors, creepy supernatural themes etc) and then the other chapters seem to be going toward the direction of what RE4 is now.
Oh wow, stuff like chapter 4 is incredible! 5 was good too! It's very intruiging this game I must say! Looking forward to more. It's is going on? I kind of wish there was a bit more plot or incentive. Apart from not get killed in random events!

I'm finding it very hard too. First thing I look to update everytime is the maximum syringes I can hold haha! God knows what "nightmare" difficulty is like!
I'm finding some elements of the game a little frustrating, which I experienced tonight while playing.

I get a little annoyed at those areas where you -have- to fight but you don't have much ammo, should you survive you'll have absolutely bugger all supplies left.

The AI partners are a bit irritating too. Although I do feel I use them like meat shields, since you can apparently auto-heal them.

I also get annoyed that if some enemies get too close to attack, it initiates almost like a "cut scene" in a sense where you can't avoid the hit and you just gotta take it.

Other than that, I am enjoying the game and the plot is very interesting. Like MattAY said, I just wanna know what the hell is going on! I'm up to Chapter 7.
I finished Chapter 8 last night, which was the hardest chapter I've played yet. I'll explain below in spoiler tags for anyone who'd like to know. In my spoilers are also some of my tips to succeeding it.


In Chapter 8 you encounter a new type of zombie-type enemy. They're capable of vomiting acid at you, they bite when they grab you and you can't stealth kill them. They've got two kids, so if you head shot one head, it might still be standing. They're a pain in the arse.

I found that this area has a lot of traps (not the disarmable kind) that you can use against these guys to conserve your ammo. I think that's what this area is trying to make you do, because in this chapter you can hardly use stealth, as it's quite linear.

The boss, who is "The Keeper" or "Box Head" as he's known on the Internet is a huge dude with a big arse hammer. Before you fight him, you have to run down a corridor filled with this land mine trap things, if you step on one, it wraps barbed wire around your leg and traps you. Mean while, as you run through this corridor, the ceiling is falling with spike traps. So you can't step on one or else your dead.

I found I couldn't beat the Keeper because of my lack of ammo... so I actually restarted the chapter from a previous save file and re-did it, using the traps against enemies and conserving my ammo. I did use my gun (mostly sniper rifle) sometimes but I saved what I could, mostly cross bow bolts.

When you fight the Keeper, you have to fight him in stages. There's also poisonous gas in the area slowly killing you, which you can slow down by turning off nearby valves (but it makes you vulnerable to the Keeper and his possible one hit kill attack).

The first stage is straight forward, again hopefully you've saved some of those cross bow bolts. I used a freeze bolt, followed by a grenade and that took care of him. I went into the next room and had to "fight" him again, but it turns out you don't have to. Grab the loot on the table, then run through the open vault looking door. Sebastian will immediately and automatically close it behind him, which brings you to the third stage. Here, you've gotta fight him and I'd recommend using the freeze bolts and explosive bolts, maybe the shotgun too if you have shells.

You then will move onto the forth stage, again here you don't have to fight him. What you will have to do though is grab a valve wheel to close off the gas, because the Keeper destroys it as you enter the room. You can find it on a nearby table. Once you've done this, you can honestly just leg it. You'll find a set of stairs (or a corridor, I forget) that will lead the Keeper to a trap which if you succeed, will finally kill him.

End spoilers:

In Chapter 9, there's something very obvious players will see and remember. Sebastian comments, "I've seen this before, but where..." - when you see it, you'll know exactly what it is. I think it's a forth wall thing, almost a joke or a homage at least.
Haha see I found The Keeper straight forward because I watched the trailer that said I had to disarm the traps he lays for parts! ;) - then I just used explosive bolts. Freeze bolts cost 5 parts to make, which is too much for me!

Chapter 8 was easy for me, I did have trouble at first due to the no-stealth kill thing. But I'd actually been ignoring my sniper rifle for a while, and since I had ammo in abundance for it - I found it to be a great weapon against the cave dudes!

Just finished Chapter 9! Loved it - best Chapter yet. In terms of the building you're in...I thought it was just the same building you enter right at the beginning no???? The building you first investigate before you're actually in all this mess!
I'm up to Chapter 10, which is... quite hard. I really enjoyed Chapter 9 - once I figured out how to evade a certain someone. :P
Haha! Chapter 10 is a bitch! SO much stuff happens, it's probably the longest chapter.

I'm on 14 now. Last few chapters have been very much like the island in RE4...action based! It's great - a couple of "boss-like" enemies keep it fresh!

Chapter 13 was very tense!!

Think I'm nearing the end now.

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