The Evil Within [OT]


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So this comes out in a week. Anyone HYPE for this? I'm worried it's going to be one of those games where the trailer looks awesome, but the game is mediocre.

Either way I'm buying it though! I need to cure my scary game fix, last scary game I played was Silent Hill Downpour about 6 months ago and that wasn't great!
I'm getting Alien: Isolation to be my hopeful "scary game", but the Evil Within looks seriously messed up.

I'll probably be buying it.

I'm also interested to see the reviews. I completely forgot this game comes out so soon!
I saw the trailer that was all live action with no footage from the game at all, gameplay OR CGI cut scene. I was like...


But then I saw actually gameplay and then learned it's by the same guy who did Resident Evil 1-4 and was like.

I'm a little disappointed in how "action-based" it is. Because at the beginning of the marketing campaign for this, they were selling it as more of a Silent Hill sort of scare. Now it's to the point where there are bloody custom bolts that you can add explosive, electric or ice damage to! A bit of a let down, but I guess I'll see how fun it is.

Why are Crossbows so fucking popular in games recently?! Sigh...
Bow and arrows have become very popular in games as of late too.

I dunno, I think the Evil Within is going to be a tense game, even with some "action" involved. I mean, Resident Evil 4 had quite a bit of action in it, but at the time that game was so intense and disturbing, particularly the boss fights.
Just watched the latest trailer. I see what MattAY means about the crossbow stuff. While the game does look action packed, it really reminds me of Resident Evil 4, and that makes me super excited.

Game looks very gruesome. I noticed in the trailer when he's aiming his gun, there's no targeting reticle. Was that removed for the sake of the trailer, or does the game have no targeting reticle at all?

The in-game inventory system looks like it runs real time (and not paused like RE4) so I can see the game getting intense in moments of danger while you're trying to desperately go through your inventory. The inventory screen looks strangely futuristic though.
The guy at Gamestop talked me into a preorder, (he knows I like RE4) but I'm gonna wait to pick it up until some reviews trickle out. I haven't heard to much hype for this one either.
30FPS cap on the PC version seems likely.
Wonder how many minutes after release it's modded out.

I WAS looking forward to it, but with that 1 little bit of news it makes me doubt very much it'll be a good port, and as i don't feel like spending $500 for a laptop in a shiny box yet, guess i won't be bothering with it until some reviews are out.
Might end up putting this on my 'pick up with a used PS4 in another year or so' list.
The 30fps cap is a turnoff. So is the ID engine.

Hopefully the quality of game will outshine the problems.
The whole FPS thing just feels like console fanboy wars for a new generation.

The Sega Genesis has blast processing at 60FPS. The Super Nintendo doesn't.

But it isn't. This is a legitimate issue for 3D games.

As a PC gamer I have a 144hz monitor so I would prefer a game have a unlocked frame rate so I can push 144fps.
Tell me about it bro, in fact I only date girls with 3D tits at a high frame rate of a ka-jillion FPS instead of stupid reality.

I know I'm am ass, but I give zero Fucks Per Second. We seem to be more focused on the visuals than the gameplay. I judge a game based on playability and story. I would rather play a game with 8 bit graphics if it was fun. New tech is cool, I agree, but newer tech is always on the horizon while a good story and interactive gameplay is timeless.
It's cool. You just don't understand.

" 30fps and to utilize an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 for all platforms. ...For PC players, we’ll provide debug commands on how you can alter the framerate and aspect ratio, ..."
I will report back next week with the info on how to remove the frame rate cap.
WickedLiquid said:
We seem to be more focused on the visuals than the gameplay
Yep, which is why games are running 30fps instead of 60fps. Sacrificing smoothness of motion and controls for some shiny effects is fucking stupid.

Hopefully the PC version won't be poorly optimized and we can make a little script to start it debugged to 60/90/120/144fps
Can we not turn this into another fucking FPS discussion please! Got enough of those from all the topics your moaning ass creates.

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