The biggest-WTF moment in video game history

sparky87 said:
The_Joker said:
No doubt about it folks.

Some harp about Sephiroth slaying Aeris, Samus being a woman, the MGS3 final twist, and many others, but is there any doubting this moment has to go down as the biggest WTF ever?
I knew when I saw the Trailer for MGS3 that it was you know who(I don't want to spoil it) cause how could Solid Snake go back in time? The game takes place in the 60's and if you play Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes at the end of the credits they say when Solid Snake was born.
No, the FINAL twist. It is pretty obvious that it is not Snake from the get-go.
Mr_X said:
Worlds weird like that.

guess so. ive been a gamer for 20+ years and this topic is honestly the first time ive heard of this oregon trail. perhaps because is seems to deal with cowboys and indians and the old west. that kind of stuff never intrested me when i was younger; it still doesnt today.
GhostTrip said:
Biggest WTF moment for me is when I found out Larsa from FFXII was really a guy.

LMAO Dude I'm with you on that! I was honestly embarrassed when my buddies walked in on me playing FFXII during a cutscene with Larsa. They asked if he was a girl or a gay boy and I said a girl :oops:

Paradox said:
ive been a gamer for 20+ years and this topic is honestly the first time ive heard of this oregon trail.

Yeah man, this game must be for PC since I haven't played any PC games since the original Doom. I've always been behind in the PC race so I don't bother with the games.

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