The 3rd Annual Game-Revolution Video Game Showdown!

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||03:14 PM
And it's back for another year. THE SHOWDOWN! For those of you out there who don't know, the showdown is essentially an enourmous poll that determines what the posters of GR feel is the best game of all time. The way it works is: Everyone nominates 4 games. After the nomination process ends (after 3 days) all games are randomly placed into groups of 4. Everyday, 2 games go up against each other in a showdown. The voters choose the better game, and whichever game it is, gets 3 points for a victory. Remember, there is 4 games in a group. So after all the games in each group have gone against each other, the top 2 titles go into the post-season. In the post-season, its simply 1 on 1 polling. The loser is knocked out, whereas the winner keeps going. We do this until there are 2 games left, and then we have the final. The winner in 2002 was Half-Life. In 2003 it was Grand Theft Auto 3. Now we shall see which of the thousands of games out there is chosen as GR's favorite game.

So, the format is the same as last year's. Think of the way the World Cup in soccer works and you've got it.
Nominations end on January 1st at 6:20 P.M. Eastern time, when I shall post the first showdown. Ghaleon 007 will be helping me with its running, and dont be surprised if other, respected and trustworthy posters (Plumpkin, Kaan) post a showdown for me.

As usual, all votes will be counted. Even if you haven't played the games, but vote, your vote is tallied. I will count all votes and will simply ask my fellow posters to exercise some honesty and refrain from cheating without knowing the game they are voting against. I expect decent conduct from those voting.
Every showdown lasts 24 hours. If at the end of a showdown, two games are tied, we go into sudden death. This basically means that whichever game gets the next vote, is the winner. A showdown automatically ends after 24 hours. If I'm not here to officially end it, it does not matter. 24 hours and that's it.

Votes given to me via AIM are acceptable, but they have to be given to ME. So if you want your 15 buddies to vote for OOT, they'll have to IM me at GmMe8 and tell me their GR nicks.

That's basically it I suppose.

Here are my 4 nominations-
Metal Gear Solid
Soul Calibur
Quake 2

First showdown begins Jan. 1st. Happy nominating!

plumpkin||12-28-2003||03:15 PM ::
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Max Payne 2.
Call of Duty.
Dues Ex 2.

KurtCobain94||12-28-2003||03:18 PM :: KOTOR
FF7 ^rMGS2
Super Metroid

now leave me alone Dave :-p

used44||12-28-2003||03:25 PM ::
Final Fantasy: Tactics

Prototype||12-28-2003||03:29 PM ::
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Final Fantasy VIII
Resident Evil (GC REmake)

TheZoomZoomKid||12-28-2003||03:40 PM ::
-Warcraft III
-Kingdom Hearts
-Jak II

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||03:44 PM ::
^^Specify. Do you nominate the game or the expansion pack? For now, I'm taking the actual game, but im awaiting you to specify.

The Joker||12-28-2003||03:44 PM ::
Thanks to used44, Dave, Kurt, and zoomzoom for getting my #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 game of all time. (FFT, MGS2, FF7, MGS, SC)

For me...since my 5 favorites are done:

Zone of the enders: the 2nd runner
Madden 2004
Virtua fighter 4: evolution
Timesplitters 2

All prime PS2 games. I own 3 and beat one (zoe2) in a rent.

Go Dave.

TheZoomZoomKid||12-28-2003||03:46 PM ::

Originally posted by Dave Matthews:
^^Specify. Do you nominate the game or the expansion pack? For now, I'm taking the actual game, but im awaiting you to specify.

I consider an expansion pack just an add on to the game. So I consider them the same game. I will just edit them to say Starcraft and Warcraft III if you would like that better.

The Joker||12-28-2003||03:50 PM ::
yeah last year I remember Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: yeah, they're seperate.

Kornd0g||12-28-2003||03:51 PM ::

hmm..very hard to narrow it down, but dave got my favorite game and the best FPS of all time out of the way, so...

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Super Mario World
Super Smash Bros. Melee

ianru||12-28-2003||04:17 PM ::
Doom (erm, best one there is)
Unreal Tournament 99

Chris Hyde||12-28-2003||04:18 PM ::
-gta vice city
-smackdown here comes the pain
-nfs underground
-fifa 2004

Icepick||12-28-2003||04:24 PM ::
Legend of Zelda- a Link to the Past
Mega Man x
Harvest Moon 64

...this could be earthbounds big year...

NativeDave||12-28-2003||04:29 PM ::
Some of the games I was going to nominate have already been mentioned, so here's 4 different games I'll toss into the mix (I know they most likely won't win, but at least they're getting nomintated, an "honorable mention" type of thing).

True Crime: Streets of L.A.
EverQuest Online Adventures
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec

d4m||12-28-2003||04:33 PM ::
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Golden Sun
Golden Sun: The lost age

Ghaleon007||12-28-2003||04:34 PM ::
Lunar 2
Deus Ex

Milkman||12-28-2003||04:34 PM ::
Rise of Nations
The Sims any/all of the pc components
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1
Super Mario 3 aka Super Mario Advanced 4 or 5?

The Joker||12-28-2003||04:35 PM ::

Originally posted by Ghaleon007:
Lunar 2
Deus Ex

FF8 was nominated already...

EDIT: He changed it. The NES man...Vice city was nominated.

Guan Yu||12-28-2003||04:36 PM ::
Soul Calibur 2
Metal Arms
Fire Emblem
Ratchet and Clank 2

one more post to go till duck! yes!

playstation||12-28-2003||04:54 PM ::
I dont know if i can change my nominations but my originals were Midnight Club 2, Final Fantasy X, Super Mario: Legend of the Seven Stars, and Pong .

Here are my changed nominations

Animal Crossing
Super Mario: Legend of the Seven stars

Read them and let them win.

If i cant change them then just dont count them.

link56||12-28-2003||05:07 PM ::
Sorry if any of these have already been nominated...

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Perfect Dark
Skies of Arcadia
Final Fantasy 3 (SNES America)/ 6 (SNES Japan/PS1 American) (Just say what you will use to identify this game. I think you know what I'm talking about tho)

Icepick||12-28-2003||06:33 PM ::
...people just vote for earthbound, if you remembe rthe past showdowns it was screwed over by mgs... so vote EB

pnut_me_dawg2427||12-28-2003||06:39 PM ::
Thank you *******s for taking all the good ones...especially icepick for taking lttp...ive only nominated that every friggin game showdown

Grand Theft Auto 3
Viewtiful Joe
Command and Conquer:Red Alert 2

magician||12-28-2003||06:48 PM ::
W00t w00t.

The Simpsons hit and run
Simcity4: Deluxe
Splinter cell
ATV Offroad fury 2

cornballwiz||12-28-2003||06:57 PM ::
Tsk tsk tsk...most of the games I wanted to nominate are gone. Thank you people, for effectivley ruining my life.

I will now name some other games which I fancy.

* Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings
* Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
* Animal Crossing
* Metroid Fusion

KrowsnoseIsBackAgain||12-28-2003||07:21 PM ::
Survivor: The Interactive Game
The Crow
Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16

GiftedMonkey||12-28-2003||07:49 PM ::
Duke Nukem 3D
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2

shaft is a bad mother||12-28-2003||08:16 PM ::

Originally posted by KrowsnoseIsBackAgain:
Survivor: The Interactive Game
The Crow
Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16

you forgot britney's dance beat!

anyway my nominations are

-Mario Kart: Double Dash
-Hot Shots Golf 3
-The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind
-Battle Field 1942

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:16 PM ::
I nominate:

Cruisin' Exotica
Fuzion Frenzy
Bible Adventures

Dave, you better not say I can't nominate these games you damn communist.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:18 PM ::
good choices, black

edit: night

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:20 PM ::
Yah man I've been a'waitin' for this topic all year so I could nominate these sweet games. Just because you're only 12 years old doesn't mean that you have to try to be better than everyone here. Just accept these games and see how far they'll go, it's not even a big deal. Fuzion Frenzy might actually do pretty well, it's probably the best one of the bunch.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:22 PM ::
i would have to whole-heartedly agree with deadkaoz

i mean, can you honestly say that making lions tip over in catchumen is not completely fun?


DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:24 PM ::
no thank you, actually.

maybe you could have a little goddamn respect you fvcking piece of shit who likes terrible music like dave matthews

The Joker||12-28-2003||08:25 PM ::
Yeah, I got to say dave made the right call there...I can't help but feel krownose hasn't played all those games (or possibly any of them) and just put them up because he knows they are horrible games and wants to screw up the showdown. It's not exactly democracy, but it's his showdown, and he gets to make the rules. nuff said.

Inspite of recent moronic behaivor, it's going great. Man...I think my top 10 favorite games have already been nominated.

Edit: stfu deadkaos. Dave matthews band rocks.

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:25 PM ::
rofl. you outdo yourself, really.

*awaits black_night's attempt at being a jackass to see if he can top deadkaos'*

edit: i'd venture to say krownose nominated them because he hates me and that drink_butz nominated them because of this idea he has that being a moron on the internet is funny. Regardless, neither of the nominations matter.

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:26 PM ::
Well you know, fashions are known to come around once or twice after they're gone (with an exception of 80's clothing fashion.) However, if you want to disregard our nominations, then go right ahead and do it. I mean, you didn't seem to realize how terrible DMB is, I'm not gonna waste any more time trying to convince you that your decision here isn't a good one.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:27 PM ::
i think if someone can nominate wwf smackdown, we should at least consider fuzion frenzy.

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:27 PM ::

Originally posted by Black_Night:
However, if you want to disregard our nominations, then go right ahead.

No problem. Now, can I consider the matter closed?

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:29 PM ::

Originally posted by drink_butz:
i think if someone can nominate wwf smackdown, we should at least consider fuzion frenzy.

that's quite true, actually. i personally wouldn't even consider wrestling or sports games to be real games, but whatever, if people wanna play them, who cares. i'll just stay away from them myself.

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:32 PM ::
hey, i simply ask you have some goddamn respect, and quite assuming that we're idiots because we have a sense of humour. until then, i won't stop ruining your topic.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:34 PM ::
yeah, i'd have to agree with deadkaos

i don't think the fact that we see something extremely humorous about people using all caps and internet acronyms makes us stupid

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:34 PM ::
Hey hey, wait a minute. You're right, The Joker, Dave DOES make the rules. Let's take a close look at one of them:


Originally posted by Dave Matthews:

As usual, all votes will be counted. Even if you haven't played the games, but vote, your vote is tallied. I will count all votes and will simply ask my fellow posters to exercise some honesty and refrain from cheating without knowing the game they are voting against. I expect decent conduct from those voting.

We all had "decent conduct" until Dave started breaking the rules. Sounds like he's blaming the wrong people for messing up this topic.

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:34 PM ::

Originally posted by DeadKaos:
hey, i simply ask you have some goddamn respect, and quite assuming that we're idiots because we have a sense of humour. until then, i won't stop ruining your topic.

But I did have respect! That's the whole problem, I used to have respect, but then you decided to act like an idiot and killed my respect! Then you insulted my age and then you insulted me! How can I respect such a stupid person?

Answer is, I can't. And as far as your sense of humor goes, while I suppose you do have one, I just don't find you funny. I suppose your material is amusing to those with down syndrome (krownose, black night, or drink_butz) but to most people, it simply isnt.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:37 PM ::
well it looks like the next time you make a contest, dave, you should stick by your own rules in order for it to function properly

everything would have been moving along quite smoothly at this point had you not decided to ignore some votes based on your own opinion of the games

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:37 PM ::
no, but the fact of the matter is, you called my good friend drink_butz an idiot simply for posting games that you thought weren't up to par with the rest of the votes. and i know for a fact that drink_butz is one of the most intelligent people i know, and far from an idiot. once you disrespected him, i reserved the right to disrespect you. simple as that.

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:38 PM ::
^^ Exactly. How can you run a contest if you're so extremely biased? The answer is obvious: you can't. The contest becomes ruined...

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:38 PM ::
There haven't been any votes yet. This is the nomination process. I rejected your nominations. I didn't break any rule and as far as I'm concerned it was a good decision. I knew there'd be idiots who protest and argue, and I expected deadkaos and black_night, our whimsical morons of GR, to post and argue, but i dont particularly care. It was for the best imo.

Edit: How am I biased? I'm not. What exactly am I biased against? Fuzion frenzy? Give me a break.

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:39 PM ::
Yeah, it was obviously a very good idea

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:40 PM ::
Well, it prevents 8 very crappy games from being in my showdown. So what if I'm now arguing with you 3? I've been in worse arguments, this one is rather amusing actually.

So yea, it was a damn good idea.

Simsy||12-28-2003||08:42 PM ::
*ahem* getting this topic back on track...

Tony Hawk Underground
Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Edit: Since pnut_me_dawg2427 already nominated Viewtiful Joe, I change my fourth nomination:

Dungeon Seige: Legends of Aranna

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:42 PM ::
you would be better off just posting your own favorite game and calling it the winner of an imaginary contest

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:42 PM ::
But see, there's a line drawn. The fact of the matter is, most people nominated games they truly cared for. Drink_Butz, you, and Krownose didn't do so. You posted for the sheer purpose of annoying me and for ruining my topic.

If my decision annoys you, fine. Personally, i dont care. I know there's reasonable people out there who see my point, and if you 3 don't, hey, what can I do.

Edit: Thank you Simsy.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:43 PM ::
i don't think i would join a fuzion frenzy clan if i didn't care for the game.

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:44 PM ::
no no, he didn't post it sheerly to annoy you. don't flatter yourself. unfortunately, bible adventures, fuzion frenzy, and catchuman are very funny and entertaining games. the are fun to play.

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:44 PM ::
Wtf is a fusion frenzy clan? The game isnt even online. How the f*ck can you have a clan of it?

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:45 PM ::

Originally posted by DeadKaos:
no no, he didn't post it sheerly to annoy you. don't flatter yourself. unfortunately, bible adventures, fuzion frenzy, and catchuman are very funny and entertaining games. the are fun to play.

Hmm, I guess they are 4 very entertaining games that won't be in the showdown. Pity.

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:46 PM ::
we get together, do drugs, play fuzion frenzy, have a really good laugh, and make nonsensical jokes.

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:46 PM ::
Clans aren't only for online multiplayer games. Those of us who have real-life friends play games other places than alone in our bedrooms.

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:49 PM ::
at least we're not getting our jollies creating an easily predictable poll on a videogame messageboard

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:49 PM ::
nope, instead you get your jollies by pissing off its creator! that's a lot better..

drink_butz||12-28-2003||08:50 PM ::
much more fun at any rate

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:50 PM ::
^ Easily predictable? He's probably already chosen the winner. Who knows what he'll choose.

Well yeah, it is better. Especially because it's working.

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:51 PM ::
lol, you guys..

Now, that was as fun as anything, but really, its over. I'm not going to continue arguing, so you guys can have the last word. I'm not going to accept the nominations however, so anything you say is basically pointless. But oh well.

Anyways, it was fun, really.

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:51 PM ::
it's actually completely obvious that zelda or metal gear solid is gonna win. what fun. let's do it again.

pnut_me_dawg2427||12-28-2003||08:53 PM ::

Originally posted by Simsy:
*ahem* getting this topic back on track...

Tony Hawk Underground
Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Viewtiful Joe

Already nominated viewtiful joe...i know it must be hard reading through this topic with the flaming.

And it seems like some people dont like dave and are jumping at their chance to make him look like an *** ....and they actually had ya a minute...but u stopped...really you should have said right on the second page "**** you, my contest, my rules, discussion over." then just ignore them.

Black_Night||12-28-2003||08:53 PM ::
Hey since we've wasted so much time already, let's just skip 2 weeks ahead:

Okay guys, it's down to the last showdown, in 24 hours I'll close voting for good. The final 2 contestants are:

Zelda: WW


Metal Gear Solid 2

Happy Voting

But... since that's not happening, I'll throw out some real nominations.

Secret of Evermore
Legend of Zelda II: The Adventures of Link
Fuzion Frenzy (I'm serious, I liked that game very much)
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

DeadKaos||12-28-2003||08:54 PM ::

anyways, my nominees

marathon 2
secret of mana
starsiege tribes

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||08:58 PM ::
Mario RPG was already nominated..

Edit: Fine, I'll accept fusion frenzy, but thats it. Krownose's 4 and drink_butz's other 3 arent nominated.

White_Rabbit||12-28-2003||09:02 PM ::
Aliens vs. Predator
Max Payne
Fatal Frame

drink_butz||12-28-2003||09:07 PM ::
ooh sweet

Icepick||12-28-2003||09:19 PM ::
not to much has changed from when i left i guess, still got *******es trying to wreck perfectly fine topics for no reason

Dave Matthews||12-28-2003||09:20 PM ::
But they wont succeed!

Shawn||12-28-2003||09:20 PM ::
Vagrant Story
Star Ocean: The Second Story
Breath of Fire IV

and if one(or more) of the above has already been said i nominated Breath of Fire III, Contra 3 and Sonic 2 as well

KurtCobain94||12-28-2003||11:06 PM ::
ty simsy for nominating ET, i didnt know if it could be nominated since it was MP only, and I was gonna ask Dave later if I could take out a game or something lol


lots of games I love here

Traxaline||12-29-2003||07:52 AM ::
007 nightfire
Link's awakening
legend of zelda majora's mask
oracle of ages
oracle of seasons

yep they're oldies alright

Dave Matthews||12-29-2003||08:51 AM ::
Isnt that 5 games Ahmed? Or is Ages/Seasons like Pokemon Red/Blue? So similar that they can be considered the same?

Stealth||12-29-2003||10:05 AM ::
I removed some flaming.
Dave is the maker of the topic so he decides the rules, and it always been good this way.
Lets not start useless flaming and let this topic go to waste.
Continue posting guys.

X-fer 212121||12-29-2003||11:22 AM ::
Diablo 2
Xenosaga episode 1
Devil may cry
Final fantasy 9

Let's hope these have a chance.

pnut_me_dawg2427||12-29-2003||12:29 PM ::

Originally posted by Stealth:
I removed some flaming.
Dave is the maker of the topic so he decides the rules, and it always been good this way.
Lets not start useless flaming and let this topic go to waste.
Continue posting guys.

I love how my post trying to stop the flaming and ending it was deleted because it was "flaming"...yea with all the cursing and yelling I did in it

Stupid rent a mod

Kornd0g||12-29-2003||06:33 PM :: liking what I see. most of my favorite games have been nominated. I got a little scared for half-life until i saw that rabbit nominated it

keep the nominees coming guys, and to you morons trying to wreck the topic: All you will succeed in doing is making yourselves look like complete and utter morons. just because you don't like a topic doesn't mean you have the right to wreck our fun.

Traxaline||12-29-2003||07:10 PM ::

Originally posted by Dave Matthews:
Isnt that 5 games Ahmed? Or is Ages/Seasons like Pokemon Red/Blue? So similar that they can be considered the same?

yep you might as well pick one of them seeing that they're both the same well link's awakening is also the same except of course its a different adventure

i'll pick seasons then

Goten4||12-29-2003||10:25 PM ::
1) Sonic Adventure 2(GC)

2) 1080 snowboarding (it was the only good snowboarding game i loved, and it was made by Nintendo)

3) Super Double Dragon

4) Mega Man X

Dave Matthews||12-29-2003||10:40 PM ::
MMX was already nominated.

unctarheels||12-30-2003||08:57 AM ::
Well, looks like you got most games already covered, so i'll throw out 2 of my random favorties...

Conker's BFD
Dynasty Warriors 4
Ogre Battle 64
Sonic and Knuckles

kapow||12-30-2003||09:33 AM ::
civ 3:conquests
Simpsons hit and run
Call of Duty
Wolfenstein ET

Mr.Himashi||12-30-2003||10:56 AM ::
not sure if they have been nominated.. but oh well.

-Mech assault
-Halo: Combat Evolved
-Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
-Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of time

EvilCorn||12-30-2003||12:32 PM ::
Due to the fact that I'm a lazy bum, I didn't read much of this post. But I do see we are still nominating, I think. So, I nominate:

---Metroid Prime---
---Black & White---
---Thief:The Dark Prodject---
---Total Annihilation---

Incase any of these have been nominated, I would like to replace them with the following, in the order that the following is listed... if that makes any sense at all...

---Pokemon Red---
---Eternal Darknes---
---Mario Kart (SNES)---
---Mario Tenis---

and just in case I still need one...

---Creatures 2---

Grey||12-30-2003||01:43 PM ::
* SSX3
* F-Zero GX
* Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
* Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Rainemaida||12-30-2003||04:30 PM ::
im not exactly sure what were doing but heres my cents worth.


Dave Matthews||12-31-2003||09:44 AM ::
I need 2 more nominees, right now 2 games dont have groups!

So please, 2 more ppl.

pnut_me_dawg2427||12-31-2003||09:48 AM ::
^^Even if you already posted or just someone who hasnt?

Dave Matthews||12-31-2003||09:51 AM ::
Bob will do it for me.

Thanks for caring tho, Pnut.

bob||12-31-2003||09:51 AM ::
Mario Tennis (N64)
Mario Golf (N64)
Ogre Battle Tactics: The Knight of Lodis (GBA)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (N64)

Don't think any of those were mentioned... if they were, tell me and I'll repick.

Dave Matthews||12-31-2003||09:53 AM ::
Yea, nice going bob! I only needed 2!

Ok, anyone who hasnt done this yet, can you please give me 2 nominees? pnut_me_dawg2427||12-31-2003||09:54 AM :: Bobby made a comeback.

And yea Im so with lonely little bunny rabbits who just wanna have a good time.....wait- uh oh

kaanchtoofan||12-31-2003||10:07 AM ::
On the request of Dave, here are two nominations...

RtCW (Xbox)
Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox)

The Joker||12-31-2003||10:50 AM :: I just noticed...that no one has nominated counterstrike yet. :/ It finished in the top 5 last year, and it may not get nominated this year?! So yeah...nominate counterstrike please! I'm not changing my nominations, since I like the ones I nominated better than CS just cause I'm horrible at it...but I'll at least get it out there: no one has done CS do it!

lilhomy||12-31-2003||10:55 AM ::
o Counter-Strike (PC)
o Counter-Strike (X-Box)
o Worms Armegeddon (PC) (sp?)

Dave Matthews||12-31-2003||11:01 AM ::
only one CS nominee is needed. Its for botht he PC and XBX and its equally good on both, so there's no reason to have it twice.

The Joker||12-31-2003||11:04 AM ::

Originally posted by Dave Matthews:
And once again, we need 2 more nominees. I'm going to kill somebody!

I've got two buddies on my buddy list who are GR members (TASM and run rabbit run) logged on right now who haven't nominated yet. Want me to contact them and ask if they're interested in doing the nominee you need?

Dave Matthews||12-31-2003||11:05 AM ::
sure, but ask specifically for ONE nominee!

The Joker||12-31-2003||11:13 AM ::
The ONE Janitor: donkey kong country

TASM, of course, can be contacted concerning the validity of the nomination.

unctarheels||12-31-2003||11:48 PM ::
SHAZAAM it starts tommorow.....i think...

rhodes30008||01-01-2004||05:18 AM ::
Yay, it starts today!!! Happy new year!!!

Last minute nominations (might have already been nominated):
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I'm an RPG addict.

The Joker||01-01-2004||09:09 AM ::

Originally posted by Flaming Tiki God:
Yay, it starts today!!! Happy new year!!!

Last minute nominations (might have already been nominated):
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I'm an RPG addict.

Yeah...I think all of them have already been nominated.

Dave Matthews||01-01-2004||09:10 AM ::
Yes, they have.

Oh well, we really dont need more nominations..

Contest begins at 6:20

rhodes30008||01-01-2004||09:14 AM ::

Originally posted by The Joker:

Yeah...I think all of them have already been nominated.

I'm not going to take the time to read almost every post on this topic. Don't you sass me mister!

dynasty3||01-05-2004||01:19 PM ::
NO! Make BG&E in it! MAKE IT!

Dave Matthews||01-05-2004||01:21 PM ::
sorry, cant.

The Joker||01-05-2004||01:22 PM ::

Well, good luck trying to convince dave, d3. Not that I think you'll get anywhere.

{RWA}Oogles||01-10-2004||04:41 PM ::
Super Mario Bros 1
Super Mario Bros 3
Duck Hunt
Battlefield 1942

TheZoomZoomKid||01-10-2004||05:52 PM ::
nominations ended a while ago dude.

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