Stumped on stats.


Hello GRians. I need your help! I have a stats problem I can't figure out because...Well...I suck at stats. It's actually for my wife, for her stats 2 class. The only class she needs to get her bachelors degree and it sure is making her feel as though she'll never graduate lol. She was going to see a tutor today but the campus closed early for some unannounced reason. Anyways, here's the problem...
A report on health care in the US said that 28% of Americans have experienced times when they haven't been able to afford medical care. A news organization randomly sampled 801 black Americans, of whom 38% reported that there had been times in the last year when they had not been able to afford medical care. Does this indicate that this problem is more severe among black Americans?

1: Test an appropriate hypothesis and state your conclusion. (Make sure to check any necessary conditions and to state a conclusion in the context of the problem.)

2. Was your test one tail upper tail, one tail lower tail or two tail? Explain.

3. Explain what your P-value means in this context.

I'm not expecting someone to do all of this but...Maybe just help break it down so it's a little bit simpler or show the formula and we can maybe go from there. I don't know...This is just all sorts of pain in the ass.

seriously though, wtf is two tail?
Yeah sorry, I have no idea what tails and P-values are.

To test it just ask 30 black people and 30 white people though? Just make sure it's the same amount of each race, compare the results and badda-bing-badda-boom - there's your answer.
Stats is a throw away class that you have to work to hard for and then never use again. Sorry. This isn't ringing any bells.
Bored at work Why not

28% of total americans

38% of randomly sampled blacks
throwing out fake numbers:
300,000,000 Americans -
28%= 84 mil

blacks = 13% of Us population
29 mill blacks in US.

801 "randomly" sampled

and 38% without meds
roughly 11 mil?

13% of those without med issuance are black?
doesn't seem like a big number to me.
but the question asks is the problem more severe among blacks - I dunno, sample some other races so we can compare dickheads.


Help us out, give us a refresher - what have you learned in the chapter leading up to this question (what is it about?)
Well well well, it was YOU who closed my thread. And to think I helped you in here by simplifying an increidbly retarded question. Well guess what pal? Our friendship is over!

See this chick?

We were gonna bang her. Me and you bro. But now I'm sharing her with Long- Erm, Matt!
I'll never get to share a babe with Blackstar... :cry:

Let me do it too! She has three entry points, dammit!
^ Actually GREAT idea, because then our willies can rub when we both do the tail end...added pleasure!

....A bit graphic, we need manliness again - ...............boobs!
Got it! Thanks for all the help guys. Actually she got it...I didn't do shit. The final answer looked like nothing I understood but...That's not uncommon.

Btw, who's the hot chick?

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