Stories that chill your heart (fuck this gay earth edition)


Oh, we're very fucked. ... -we-feared

Couple quick highlights:
-No generic medicine for 5 years after 'original'
-This time increases if the original company requests "sufficient time and opportunity" to potentially take legal action
-The ability to have exclusive rights to a certain compound (such as an essential strand from randomplant#6 in a drug that cures cancer) for 8 years
-All members of the TPP must have agencies cooperate on copyright infringement
-It's now easier to get patents
-You can now patent a strain of plant (not even modified in a lab, simply if you bred carrots to be red, for eg) for 20 years
-Farmers can no longer share seeds they have purchased even if they have terminator genes
-Works will no longer enter the public domain until 70 years after the original creators death
-All ISPs will now be required to always forward those demanding/extortion letters
-All ISPs will now be forced to block sites based upon a court decision (note, not order) that the site HAS violated copywrite (ie, if i upload a song to youtube and get taken to court and its found i did and youtube hosted it, guess what ISPs must block)
-All ISPs are now liable for what you do with their service, much like how BP is liable when you use their fuel in your molotov cocktail. Oh, wait...
-You can no longer circumvent DRM, even if you own it. No, this does NOT only affect games, it prevents you from modifying the code of anything, from the cars ECU to your TV.
-'Gaining access' to trade secrets and then revealing them, even with no profit motivation or in the interest of greater good (like if you were on the computer at starbucks and accidentally logged into one of their corporate emails and told everyone about their plans to build a moon death laser) is a criminal offence with harsh punishments

And this is only 1 fucking part of the TPP. I'd love to see the rest, but of course it's still secret.

Now bend over for big corporate and hold on, everybody. It's going to be rough.
I'm moving to goddamn iceland.
So there's a couple other points come to light:
-If your device(s) are found to have been used in violating copywrite, they can be seized and destroyed. That bieber song your kid downloads on your $2k work laptop? Too bad.
-ISDS. Corporations can now sue governments, even outside of their own country. Such as suing a government for, as an example, not allowing the destruction of a reef in order to let ships go through it.

This shit NEEDS to be stopped. We are heading, right now, for a dystopian, corporation controlled future. This isn't a movie, this isn't an over-reaction, this is 100% what is happening right under our noses. Picture the future, where you can now longer buy generic medicine,where backing up a blu-ray can lead to your computer being destroyed and where a business can sue a government for not allowing them to dump toxic waste. Is this a fucking future you want to live in?

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