SOLVED: How can I add images to a blog entry?

Trying to use GR's blog, but I can't seem to post any images. Standard image tags have failed me. I could link to the images, but there's obviously less of an effect if the image doesn't appear right in the post.

Anyone know?

Testing image tags here--they didn't work in the blog, just wanted to make sure I'm using the right ones.

Uhhh, I've never written a blog here, though I've thought about starting a regular entry every so often... Maybe someone else more accomplished in blogging here can help you out. Clearly you have the right image tags for the forum though.
danielrbischoff said:
Uhhh, I've never written a blog here, though I've thought about starting a regular entry every so often... Maybe someone else more accomplished in blogging here can help you out. Clearly you have the right image tags for the forum though.

You've never written a blog... on the site you work on?!


P.S. Really? :''(
I usually write my blogs with MS Word, but if you want to use an image I can teach you how. This is only for Mozilla Firefox users. I don't know it works like this for Internet Explorer.

-Find and image you want from any site
-Right click "View image"
-Copy the image, leave a tab for the image open, you'll need it again
-You will be asked to paste again, paste it in the box. Even though you don't see it, click "Ok"
-Image is broken, right click and select "image properties"
-Delete the url, and replace it with the image url.

This should work hopefully. Works perfectly fine with me
UghRochester said:
stuff that worked

Fannnnnntastic. Of COURSE it's not copying the URL when I copy the image over--it's probably copying the location in my clipboard or something.

Also, I didn't realize the little blog preview blurbs don't render images, so that helps, too.

Thanks a ton.
Ugh to the rescue!?!?! Your knowledge of the site coupled with your knowledge of 80's movie lines continues to amaze me.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Ugh to the rescue!?!?! Your knowledge of the site coupled with your knowledge of 80's movie lines continues to amaze me.
Ugh is an awesome undercover agent in disguise to sniff out illegal activities like who of us smoke weed and how many under-16yo girls we've 'raped'.
He's better than Trippy...COUGH...

Just Ugh with mod rights....almost scares me! He was a retard, but he's getting better now. You're moving up Ugh.
danielrbischoff said:
Ugh wants mod rights for the next April Fools day...
Yes, I mentioned that on one of my Gears beta vids. Couldn't hear my voice, but you can hear Dan say in a low voice, "UghRochester will NEVER have mod powers." :cry:
Well, to be fair, I acted like Ugh once too, and now I'm the best mod ever.

Okay, sure I acted like Ugh as a joke, and sure I was 14, and sure it only happened one time, but the point is still there. And the point is, I'm the best mod ever.
Nah, I could stand to be taken down a notch every once in a while too.

Green_Lantern usually handles that though. He's always capping on me for liking Mirror's Edge but I don't care. That was a great game and I want more of it.

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