Skate 2 demo


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What do you all think?

Firstly, why the hell did they include the create-a-skater portion of the career mode, then only allow you to play for 10 minutes before having to restart? The download was like 1.6gb. What a waste of space.

Aside from that early complaint, the rest of the demo is smooth. The graphics and character models are much improved, which really shows in the enhanced physics engine. The new "Hall of Meat" competitive mode where you purposely bail your skater, then tweak his movements in-air to make him break more bones than your opponent wouldn't be as goofy and fun without those nice physics and models. Even the hud is greatly improved upon (No more foggy black border!)

The trick book is basically the same, they've just improved(!) on it by adding the ability to grab while kicking and grinding - which is just so sick looking. You can now boneless. Enough said. Hand and foot plants have also been added, which were sorely lacking from Skate 1.

The only major change from the predecessor is the new "get off your board and move stuff around to set up lines" gimmick, which is surprisingly very un-gimmicky. The controls off the board feel sluggish and slow, but aside from moving your character, moving the environment is very easy and actually adds a lot to the game. Unlike the THPS skate-park creator, your actions aren't limited to a grid. Yes, you can drag that picnic table up onto the kicker at a weird angle. It's pretty neat. You can even knock shit over, then have to get off your board and set it up again - which adds a nice bit of realism.

I'll be excited to see how the rest of San Vanelona looks and what challenges and videos you'll have to accomplish featuring the "move stuff" deal. Hopefully they fix the running around controls before print time, though!
Damn, it was only released on tehe Marketplace. I was hoping it'd also be on PSN since I plan on buying it and it could have helped me decide if I should or shouldn't get it. Maybe it'll come out next week.
Just finished playing through it and it made me not want to buy the game. Getting off your board and then having it fly back into your arms is pretty lame. Though apparently they think it is cool because they play it at the end of the promotional video.
On board it were as good as Skate 1, but as soon you get off board you turn into clumsy robot :/
I agree with letusprey that the board flying into your hands is a bit over the top, but how else are they supposed to do it? Makes me think of old Ben Kenobi saying "Use the Force!" Aside from that, I think the actual game will be great. I am very surprised how well the handplants(and their many variations) are done. Everything has a good feel to it and flows very well. I was also impressed with the bails. You can finally land on your feet if your trick doesn't go as planned!

Oh and my friends and I had a blast with the Hall of Meat. 40 mph belly flop FTW!!
It was a pretty awesome demo. Personally, I like the first Sakte's demo better but taht's just me. And I kind of laugh everytime the board magically floats to your hands. Can't wait til' tomorrow. :D
While I do agree that the controls on your feet feel very sluggish and robotic, I also felt that the controls for being on a skateboard was pretty awkward as well. The problem with it is that in order to speed up, you have to push the A button, while executing tricks requires movement of the right analog-stick. This makes pulling-off tricks feel cumbersome and un-intutive. It would've been better if they mapped the "move faster button" to one of the shoulder buttons, or the left analog-stick, instead of any button that requires the use of your right thumb.
Think of it as kicking and then putting your foot back on the board. I dunno, I just had so much fun with Skate that it's hard for me to see how anyone could have an issue with the board controls, which are intuitive as they come in gaming, Maybe it's just a veteran's perspective.
Well, I got it and unfortunately, the walking controls suck as much balls as they do in the demo. I want to know who designed them. Everything else is great though.
Boringman54 said:
Well, I got it and unfortunately, the walking controls suck as much balls as they do in the demo. I want to know who designed them. Everything else is great though.
Figures. I never thought walking could be so hard for skaters. -_-

Did you get my PM?
De-Ting said:
Boringman54 said:
Well, I got it and unfortunately, the walking controls suck as much balls as they do in the demo. I want to know who designed them. Everything else is great though.
Figures. I never thought walking could be so hard for skaters. -_-

Did you get my PM?
Yes I did and if I find out how to do it, I'll send them to you.
Boringman54 said:
De-Ting said:
Boringman54 said:
Well, I got it and unfortunately, the walking controls suck as much balls as they do in the demo. I want to know who designed them. Everything else is great though.
Figures. I never thought walking could be so hard for skaters. -_-

Did you get my PM?
Yes I did and if I find out how to do it, I'll send them to you.
Grr. I stopped by Fred Meyer's on the way home and they didn't have any copies for some reason. I'll go elsewhere tomorrow.

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