Silent Hill 8

Whatever happened to Original IP's?
Or they could just make something like Silent Hill that isn't. I'm OK with Quiet Mount.......................wait, that sounds wrong.................................I'm OK with Quiet Mount.
Hexagram said:
The Silent Hill movie was only half right.

It all went downhill once they introduced the town's people. Also the husband plot was simply thrown in because there were no male characters. Which could've been avoided if they used Harry f****** Mason.
Kinda makes me want to watch that movie again though... it was pretty damn good for what it was.
Yeah, it was okay. I critique it a lot since I'm a huge fan of the first game but considering how horrible Video Game movies usually are it could've been a lot worse

I still think they could pull off a very successful sequel as long as they don't deviate from the initial story-line. If they try to keep it as close to the game as possible I'll be a very very happy movie-goer next year when it's released 8)
What? They're making a Silent Hill 2? Awesome! Any news on who will play James and Maria? ...please tell me they're using James and Maria!

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