

I've asked this like 2 times.. but I forgot.. are the members from the old board ever going to get their post count back?
trust_no_one said:
Yeah, as soon as I get the ability to edit the posts.

What? You don't have that ability? I thought you were a GM.

AHahhaa looooser :)
even if you can't edit post you can still ban me....
Yes, I am a GM, and I do have god-like powers, but I don't think dUKE would appreciate it if I started installing stuff into his forums. 'Cause, you know, he owns all this and I don't.

Oh, and you won't be getting your posts back, Hellfire...

...what, you think I'm kidding?
I have over 8000+ post that should be mine. Do I really care? No. Would I like them back? Yes. Do I really care? No

trust_no_one said:
Well maybe I'll give you 50,000 posts then if you don't care!

Psh be my guest. I'll probably be gone in a few months. Not by being banned, but i'm close to leaving and trying to get a life. Hahaha :)
Hellfire1014 said:
trust_no_one said:
Yeah, as soon as I get the ability to edit the posts.

What? You don't have that ability? I thought you were a GM.

AHahhaa looooser :)
even if you can't edit post you can still ban me....

phpBB isn't the same as UBB; in UBB any admin could alter users post counts from within the control panel; this is not an option in phpBB. The only two options are:

1. directly edit the post count in the database (highly unrecommended)
2. install a hack onto the forums to allow the admin to edit post counts from the forum control panel. The downside to this, is that half of the phpbb hacks out there are poorly written and will probably end up fucking the boards up anyhow.
we DO have the old data, so we have your postcounts. eventually when we get everything working right everyone will get their postcounts back.

How many posts was it to get to the Moment of Enlightenment avatar? Because I remember that my last post on the old boards was under the MoE avatar.

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