Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear.


Hi everyone, I am new here and wanted to know if someone can help me out. I used to be an avid gamer back in the day and had the Sega Master System, Sega Genesis & Sega CD, as well as the Sega Game Gear. I took all my stuff out of storage this past weekend except the games (still searching for that box, I ran out of time to continue looking) for the Master System and Genesis. Does, anyone know what this stuff is truly worth? I see sealed graded games listed on eBay for over $1,000 and open games from anywhere between $30 & $400. I need to check to make sure the units are still working, but they did the last time i used them over 20 years ago. If I remember right I had almost all the games for the Master System that was released in the USA. If I am missing any, it would be the later games. I have two pairs of the 3D glasses, Rapid Fire Unit, Sports Pad, Light Phaser etc. Everything is in great condition and comes in their original box with booklets. For the Genesis, I have two Power Sticks, a bunch of games (sold off all the ones I didn't like years ago in the mid 90's) the complete unit in box Power converter, Japanese adapter to play the Japanese games and some Japanese games. As for the Game Gear, I am pretty sure it is the Japanese version with TV Tuner and a bunch of Japanese and domestic USA games. I took care of everything and everything seems to be in great condition. Any help about pricing and guidance as to where I can sell this stuff in addition to eBay would be great. If I can unload the whole collection to someone, that works as well.

I also have the old posters, press kits, Genesis coins, the very first edition of Game Pro Magazine and every issue up to a certain date in 1992 I believe. As well as a blue lock box (need to figure the code out) with literature about online gaming before it existed as I was part of a research project that Sega was doing in the early 90's about online gaming. I am sure there are more items I am forgetting, but that is pretty much where I am at now. Thanks again for reading this.
Also Hiroyuki Miyazak (the one responsible for the genesis mini at Sega) said he would consider a master system mini if there is demand (which he doubts).

I recently got my Mega Sg delivered so for me it's all the mega drive and master system games in the best quality anyway.

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