Scariest Games


In celebration of Halloween, let's all recommend good games to change your underwear to.

The most scared I have ever been while playing a video game was my first time playing Silent Hill on the Playstation. I was too scared to beat the game, in fact. Granted, I was 8 or 9 at the time, and we only rented it, but I could only manage to play it for 2 days before I stopped playing altogether.

More recently, Dead Space was pretty creepy. It never reached the level of terror I felt while playing Silent Hill the first time, but it did a great job creating a claustrophobic, tense atmosphere, and it made you feel truly alone. It was also really damn fun.

I also just downloaded S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl off of Steam for $5 (this deal is going until November 2, take advantage while you can!). I haven't played it yet, but I have heard it's pretty creepy.
I have to say playing FEAR in the dark with headphones, there were plenty of times with Alma that I jumped out of my chair and cursed.

Stalker is more scary because you are made of paper. A few shots and you are down. So when you see that bandit camp in the distance you get scared because there is a chance you'll drop before you can ever react.
Tomorrow I will have my review of what I consider the scariest game I ever played to be as a part of my series of Horror themed games. Stay tuned for it!
i was gonna say silent hill 2, very few games leave ya as stressed and drained emotionally as that one and sticks with you years after playing it. so instead i'll nominate the 2nd best, fatal frame 2. just so creepy and disturbing.
Hmmmm, I'd have to say Silent Hill 2 as well. But only because that's the only game that's FREAKED me out. Any game can make you jump, no skill involved...

..BAH!!! See!?

That's what Dead Space was like to me. Just jumpy and not freaky. (Still fucking good!)
The only games that have scared me, as of yet, are the ones that make me fear for the future of the world. If those crazy youths enjoy some of the garbage released recently, then one can only wonder what they may enjoy down the line. Having orgies instead of hugs to show affection, smoking flowers instead of weed in order to rebel, or maybe even popularizing designer castration over designer handbags just because they're really confused? Who knows where the madness will end.

Not being a jackass for a second, Resident Evil 2, only because watching my brother play that when I was younger made me constantly imagine zombies and other such monsters lurking up my driveway and jumping out from the darkness of shadows anytime I went outside. Eventually I got over it and am only scared of real things now... like going bald.
It didn't help at the time though that I was surrounded by creepy woods, but it did help that I knew my redneck neighbor would kill me for me if I ever became a zombie myself, which was the only solace I could take from that time he almost accidentally shot me in the face.
Good times.
I wonder why realistic gunshots in movies make me jump even if I know they're coming...
Trippysmurf said:
I have to say playing FEAR in the dark with headphones, there were plenty of times with Alma that I jumped out of my chair and cursed.
I dunno, I thought F.E.A.R. was kind of a disappointment in the scare department. I have played through all of the F.E.A.R. games (F.E.A.R 1 and both the expansions for it, and F.E.A.R 2), and none of them reached my expectations of scariness. They all had their moments, but as a whole, I didn't think they were scary. Still fun as all Hell though.

And I have decided that I must pick up Silent Hill 2 in the near future. I have been recommended it too many times, and I am ready to try this bastard out.
Penumbra games have been praised for their horror. Never played one myself, but the videos I watched looked interesting.

From own experiences the most scaring game is Alone in the Dark or one of the Clock Towers. I find the most scaring thing in games being chased by something that can't be defeated.
Dino Crisis was very Resident Evil-esq., and scared the crap out of me.

ALso, PArasite eve was creepy, but I was also young.
Dino Crisis was scary at first. Right up until the first encounter. But every time you went through a door it took fucking ages! That ruined the game for me haha.
Fatal Frame 1 and 2 for me.

Quite a genius move to make taking photographs of monsters/ghosts the only way to deal with them. :)
Silent Hill. The first one was terrifying.

Part 2 was pretty scary as well but I didn't get the chance to finish it.

Fatal Frame had an interesting concept and good scares, but didn't come close to the SH atmosphere. The first time it got dark in that game I was almost ready to shut it off.
I agree with everyone on Silent Hill 1 and 2.

I recently replayed the original Silent Hill for the nostalgia and it's still a great game. The Jacob's Ladder/Twin Peaks inspiration really shines. Only problem is that after 10 years, the voice acting is horribly outdated. It's still not as awful as the original RE since the dialogue itself has become a cheese-fest, but you can really tell that the voice actors are bad. Probably because voice acting in games were new for that generation of gaming.

Silent Hill 2 was even better IMO. I haven't played any other horror game that has pulled off a psychological storyline any better. Also Pyramid Head is the craziest villain ever once you figure him out.

SH3 was also terrifying. I can remember shutting it off one night because I was so paranoid of something happening while exploring. It does a great job at building tension. But it was far too short and I found the plot was kinda spoon-fed to you. It probably would've been recieved better by fans if it was longer, and had more choice that led to alternate endings like the previous games. In terms of scares though this was absouletly horrifying.

Fatal Frame was another game that made me want to turn it off due to the intense surroundings. It had more "BOO" scare tactics but they still worked and made my heart jump with fear.
Another vote for Silent Hills. The first one was probably the most scariest to me because that was the first game I played that actually made me look behind me to see if any mutated people were coming up behind me.
Clock Tower 3 was pretty intense. You have no weapons, and in each level a different (dead)psychopathic killer is chasing you through the level in a twisted game of cat and mouse. If you make it to the end of the level, you'll have a boss fight and finally get to turn the tables.

Track it down. :wink:

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