RPG Knockout Tournament (Rnd 1 voting pg. 5)

The contestants have now been sorted into 16 groups of 8.

Group 1
Revan (KotOR)
Dink Smallwood (Dink Smallwood)
Lloyd (Legend of The Dragoon)
Barrett (FF7)
Magnus Gallant (Ogre Battle 64)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Laguna (FF8)
Chaos (FF1)

Group 2
Paul Denton (Deus Ex)
Gunther Herrman (Deus Ex)
Rinoa (FF VIII)
Sulik (Fallout 2)
Kratos (Tales of Symphonia)
Reddas (FF12)
Rikku (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
Janus Cascade (Wild Arms 3)

Group 3
The King of Worms (TESIV: Oblivion)
Jet (Wild Arms 3)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)
Clive Winslett (Wild Arms 3)
Dracula (Castlevania series)
Steiner (FF9)

Group 4
Pikachu (Pokemon)
Leo (Phantasy Star Universe)
Hector (Fire Emblem)
Edea (FF8)
Divine Dragon (Legend of The Dragoon)
Weiss (FF7 DC)
Rose (Legend of The Dragoon)
Axel (KH2)

Group 5
Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Angelo (Dragon Quest VIII)
Captain Jack Sparrow (Kingdom Hearts II)
Aya (Parasite Eve)
Gandolf (LoTR)
Dart (Legend of The Dragoon)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Mojo (Chrono Cross)

Group 6
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Nika (Guild Wars)
Jecht (FFX)
Carth (KOTOR)
Hiro (Lunar 2)
Ultimecia (Final Fantasy 8)
Locke (FF6)
Ness (Earthbound)

Group 7
Steelix (Pokemon)
Kimahri (FFX)
Lulu (Final Fantasy X)
Larsa (FFXII)
Jolee (KOTOR)
Virginia Maxwell (Wild Arms 3)
Gallows Carradine (Wild Arms 3)
Canderous Ordo (Star Wars: KotOR series)

Group 8
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story)
The Statesman (City of Heroes)
Mallow (Super Mario RPG)
Bongo Bongo (Zelda OoT)
Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Diablo (FF8)
Pahn (Suikoden)

Group 9
Ganon (Zelda series)
Mel de Alkirk (Lunar The Silver Star Story Complete)
Seifer (FF8)
Yuffie (FF VII)
Wakka (FFX)
Vivi (FF9)
Juste Belmont (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance)
Maya Schroedinger (Wild Arms 3)

Group 10
Garnet (FFIX)
Genisis (FF DC)
Lenny (Fallout 2)
Marth (Fire Emblem)
Magus (Chrono Trigger)
Ghaleon (Lunar 2)
Eliwood (Fire Emblem)
Aeris (FF7)

Group 11
Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy VIII)
Auron (FFX)
Harle (Chrono Cross)
Paine (FFX-2)
Lyndis (Fire Emblem)
Anna Navare (Deus Ex)
Cecilia Adlehyde (Wild Arms)
Fuijin (FF8)

Group 12
JC Denton (Deus Ex)
Vincent (FFVII)
Crono (Chrono Trigger)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Ansem (KH)
Basch (FFXII)
Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of The Night)
The boy (Secret of Evermore)

Group 13
Balthier (FFXII)
Albel Knox (Star Ocean: Till The End of Time)
Tifa (FFVII)
Irvine (FF VIII)
Malak (KOTOR)
Kefka (Final Fantasy III/VI)
Bahamut (FF)
Tidus (FFX)

Group 14
Orlandu aka Thunder God Cid (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Link (Zelda series)
Christof (Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption)
Ziggurat 8 (Xenosaga)
Jack van Burace (Wild Arms)
Gremio (Suikoden)
Raijin (FF8)
Bart (Xenogears)

Group 15
Martin Septim (TESIV: Oblivion)
Seed (Rouge Galaxy)
Ingus (FFIII DS)
Odin (FF)
Tir McDhol (Suikoden)
Yggdrasil (Tales of Symphonia)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga series)
Juliius Belmont (Castlevania: Sorrow series)

Group 16
Amarant (FFIX)
HK-47 (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Soma Cruz (Castlevania: Sorrow series)
Guile (Chrono Cross)
Frog (Chrono Trigger)
Fran (FFXII)
Robo (Chrono Trigger)
Ansem The Wise (KH2)

I'm just wondering if I should do the first round in this thread, or in a new one.
OK then. This thread it is.

We will be handling one group at a time, going through as many matches as I can at once. The game is played in the same fashion as the Showdown The_Joker is currently doing. Multiple matches are listed, and you vote for as many (or as few) as you want.

You can give as much information about your characters as you wish, but only ONE visual 'voting aid', in order to sway votes.

Group 1, Round 1:
Chaos (FF1) vs. Revan (KotOR series)
Sora (KH) vs. Dink Smallwood (Game named after char.)
Barret (FF7) vs. Laguna (FF8)
Lloyd (Legend of the Dragoon) vs. Magnus Gallant (Ogre Battle 64)

I vote for Revan, Sora, Laguna and I do not vote for the 4th matchup.

{ps - these groups sux! my guys are going to house each other!.. you have one of my chars potentially going up against Sephiroth and the other going up against Cloud.]

- Revan
- Sora
- Barrett
- Lloyd
I much prefer the elimination style 1vs1 matches. But whatever, it's your showdown. By the way, if you ever need a hand, just PM me.

Magnus Gallant
Revan beats Chaos by 1
Sora beats Dink by 8
Barret beats Laguna by 1
Lloyd beats Magnus by 3

Next Round:

Revan (KotOR series) vs. Sora (KH series)
Barret (FF7) vs. Lloyd (Legend of the Dragoon)

I vote Revan and do not vote for the second battle.

and its a tough one but i gotta go with Lloyd.If you ever played legend of the dragoon you know he was cool.

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