Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy


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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's ever played this game, but I was just wondering.

The three-button hand-to-hand fighting is pretty fun (think Arkham Asylum or Assassin's Creed) but it is also incredibly tough in Hardcore mode. I just spent what must have been a total of two hours fighting a simple boss with a knife (knives do crazy damage). I appreciate how it requires perfection, but god damn.

Also, bonus, I never saw any of the movies or read the books, so I really have no idea what's going on. I may as well be skipping the cutscenes, but they're full of QTEs so I can't. The game either requires that you've seen the movies (even though Matty Damon is nowhere to be found) or it is just shit at story exposition. I'm thinking both.
Great series of books, as games, it was a rental I never touched beyond the first level.

The movies were pretty disappointing given how much I liked the books, but anyone has to admit, pretty badass car chases
I played it and I've seen the movies, it fills in plot points in the movie series that you could only really get through the book which is pretty cool, other than that the game is OK
De-Ting said:
used44 said:
I never saw any of the movies or read the books,
but you bought the game because it has easy achievements.

Case closed.

Fuck yourself.

I got the game for free on Goozex because I was interested in it, and if i didn't like it i would trade it straight back, much like i've done with other games. I'm playing on the hardest difficulty, stuck on yet another boss fight. It's one of the most challenging games I've played in a long time. Anyone who has played it, or even just looked at the fucking achievement list knows that there is nothing easy about it.

You sure make one hell of an ass of yourself lately.
I can't see the backing behind that other than I've been calling things how they are. Sorry if that offended you.

The achievements are easy, and the hardest ones are exploitable. It's an achievement whore game, and given the recent discussions about your gamerscore, it's easy to assume you got it just for the points, especially since you haven't bothered with Bourne anything until now.

So don't bleed all over me.
There you go making idiotic assumptions again.

The reason I've never explored the Bourne universe is because there's never been a Bourne video game before. I don't like shitty-looking Matt Damon action movies, and I haven't wanted to read a spy novel since middle school. I do however, like action video games, so I gave it a shot. I think I actually own a few of the movies, but I've never bothered with them.

If any of the achievements are exploitable, I wouldn't know it. There certainly doesn't seem to be anything "exploitable" about spending literally hours on sections of the game, developing perfect timing, and defending against takedowns that will halve your health bar. What it is is an interesting, if flawed, shooter/brawler that I wanted to discuss with anyone else who gave the game the time of day, not prejudiced morons.

Go troll somebody else, you righteous twat.
Yeah, I'm sure the fighting sections could feel that way. I don't know what the demo entailed, but if you crank up the difficulty, those boss fights get incredibly tense. You have to use the QTE defensive takedowns to your advantage, as they're the only way to get the opponent off his rhythm, land a few strikes, and fill up your own takedown meter.
Why does everyone talk about QTE so negatively? When used correctly, they are an awesome way of allowing you watch a sweet movie and be somewhat involved in it. Example: RE4.

Bourne is one of the few instances where I liked the movies more than the books. Just saying.

This game had some wonkiness if I remember with the shooting. And the driving was awful. But I also remember enjoying the hand-to-hand immensely because you couldn't just spam attacks and the opponents were actually challenging. I also loved using the environment. On my first playthrough I would constantly be moving around trying to get different QTE objects and hazards to play out.
No, bad Dan! Opinions are good, that's what the corporate overlords pay you for.

QTE's are like garlic. When properly used in the right portions they are like magic to a dish.
used44 said:
There you go making idiotic assumptions again.

The reason I've never explored the Bourne universe is because there's never been a Bourne video game before. I don't like shitty-looking Matt Damon action movies, and I haven't wanted to read a spy novel since middle school. I do however, like action video games, so I gave it a shot. I think I actually own a few of the movies, but I've never bothered with them.

If any of the achievements are exploitable, I wouldn't know it. There certainly doesn't seem to be anything "exploitable" about spending literally hours on sections of the game, developing perfect timing, and defending against takedowns that will halve your health bar. What it is is an interesting, if flawed, shooter/brawler that I wanted to discuss with anyone else who gave the game the time of day, not prejudiced morons.

Go troll somebody else, you righteous twat.

De-Ting said:
So don't bleed all over me.
QTE's are like garlic. When properly used in the right portions they are like magic to a dish.
That's actually very accurate.

Ugh, De-Ting. Just leave. You obviously have nothing to add to Used's discussion. You might as well stop clicking in here. You'll get the day-long ban if you keep this up.

Used, don't feed him. Day-long ban for you too if you let him continue the mindless argument you two have managed to start.
Who was talking about them negatively?

I thought the demo was a ton of fun...And I registered at this Zoosex..Goosex or Goozex whatever. I don't think I want to trade any of my games though. The ones I do are not worth much at all.
Sorry. My personal soapbox. I wasn't referencing your comment specifically, I was talking more on a large gamer community scale. It just always seems like people are defending the QTE (gentle creature that it is).

Nice gamercard,'s Bulletstorm treating ya?
I played the demo, but I never saw Ultimatum, and when the game was released, I remember my brother and I were saving up for other games at the time, so we never bought it.

danielrbischoff said:
You obviously have nothing to add to Used's discussion.

Eat my shorts, bisch. :p

And I agree with Lethean about Goosex. I was excited to use it at first, but nobody wanted anything I cared so little about to trade, and so I never got anything.
Yeah. I don't imagine people are salivating over Prey or Sneak King.

And thanks Bret! Bulletstorm is tons of fun. I caved, got gamefly for a month because Gamestop had no used copies they could put out yet and I didn't want to spend 60 bucks on it...It's a good Gears mod though. I mean...Gears of War like game.

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