Resident Evil 5 - Versus


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Hey gang.

For those of you who have got Resident Evil 5 and online capability for your consoles, have you guys gotten a hold of the new Versus mode downloadable content?

I got mine today from the Playstation Network for $8.45 (Australian dollars).

For those who don't know, Versus mode in Resident Evil 5 is basically player versus player games. There's two main types of games (including team versions of both of the main game types). There's Slayers and Survivors. Up to four players can play in total.

Slayers is simply kill as many enemies as you can (similar fashion as Mercenaries) except you can attack the other players to score more points and whatnot.

Survivors is primarily player versus player. Shoot other players to score points. If you're shot, you lose points. If you defeat another player you score even more points but if you're defeated, you lose even more points. You can score more points by defeating a player with a melee attack (to attack with melee, when they're in the "dying" state you can finish them with a melee attack, which as said earns more points).

I'm not really sure how to unlock more characters but I did receive the trophy "It's all about the points" for scoring over fourty thousand points in my first match (and winning). :)

So far I like Versus mode. I didn't know how it was going to work due to the whole... no moving while shooting thing, but it still works, due to the points system.

What do you guys think if you've tried it?
i played one match so far onit and realoy i wasn't impressed. maybe it's cause i'm getting tired of deathmatch style gameplay. i need to play it a bit more till i make up my mind i guess.
I wanna play this mode really bad, but I don't know if I wanna shell out the $5 for something that could potentially be kinda bad. I've never really played a Resident Evil deathmatch before, and that's why I'm skeptical. Who knows, right now I'm up in the air between this and Flock, and I'm not sure which way to go. Granted, one is 3 times the price of the other, but it's also a complete game...
Which should I get?
versus mode is pretty neat!! everyone should get it now! and if you have xboxlive then add me and play!
I really like this mode. Killing Majini is already fun, and this adds some competetiveness to the mercs campaign.

I like the slayers mode, which awards points based on Majini kills.
What's funny is the download size is like what...8 megs? You know they had that stuff on the disc and they just held out on it to make more money.
^ It's not even eight megs, it's like.. less than four hundred kb. You're right though, the Versus mode was so already on the disc but they made us fork out more money just to "unlock" it basically. >_>
^ To be honest I'm not that sure. It's not very expensive and it is fun but I honestly haven't played it for quite some time, so I have no idea how many people play it, if people still do that is.
Master_Craig said:
^ It's not even eight megs, it's like.. less than four hundred kb. You're right though, the Versus mode was so already on the disc but they made us fork out more money just to "unlock" it basically. >_>

Is the one reason why I wouldn't ever consider getting it...If I had RE5 of course.
Yeah, best way to combat that lameness is to send them a message by not buying it. EA Sports is notorious for these little pay-to-unlock-content things. Just don't buy and maybe they'll stop.

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