PS3 vs Xbox 360 vs Nintendo Wii

Which system will be the best?

  • PS3

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  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gamecube didn't do as well because of lack of 3rd party titles, the titles that nintendo had exclusive rights to like zelda and mario kept the gamecube going. If the Wii gets the third party support, and the controller is a big hit, i can't see nintendo being stopped. It's an optimistic time for nintendo.
How about....none of them!

Nintendo Wii is just gonna be a bunch of lame ass puzzle games that require you to shake the controler in some weird way. I'm all for innovation in the video gaming market, but Nintendo goes about it the wrong way. Sometimes all you want to do is pwn some n00bs, not play with plankton, giga pets, balled monkeys, or Pikmans.

As far as I can tell, X-BOX 360 is just a glorified X-BOX. Whats the point of shelling out $450 for a new console and hundreds more for a decent gaming library, which, as Simsy pointed out, are all being released on current systems.

And as for the PS3...I dont have $500 to shell out for the gimpy version of the console, let $600 for the good one.

If I get any of these systems, (like any console) its gonna be after at least a two year wait, once the price has gone down considerably and a good amount of decent games have been released.
GiftedMonkey said:
How about....none of them!

Nintendo Wii is just gonna be a bunch of lame ass puzzle games that require you to shake the controler in some weird way. I'm all for innovation in the video gaming market, but Nintendo goes about it the wrong way. Sometimes all you want to do is pwn some n00bs, not play with plankton, giga pets, balled monkeys, or Pikmans.

I'm not to sure that they will be lame ass puzzle games Gifted Monkey. I think that the innovation with the Wii will be extremely strong, as we have seen in the games at E3. Madden, Red Steel, Zelda, all of them look like they utilize the Wii-mote extremely well, and I am kind of excited about the positive feedback I keep hearing from a ton of developers and editors who used the remote.
I say the looking lineup so far and its half the price of the comp...cant beat that.

360 I think will do 2nd best because the best has yet to come from the 360..the first year of every console is pretty slow and now they have that year gone by the time the competition is out.

PS3 I just dont see doing too well...most casual gamers (probably the majority of Sony owners) will run and hide from the price tags. Although if I had the money I would buy it soley for MGS4...but Im not that rich or stupid. Everyone is hyping up Killzone 2 for ps3 but no one looks at Killzone 1...which wasnt that good in the first place and peope expect a better sequel? What is so great about the PS3 anyways? Blu-ray... :roll:

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