PS3 or Next (Current?) Gen Console


OK here's the deal: I have enough reward points saved up at a store that I can either get a free PS3, or $200 off a PS4/XBone. This purchase will most likely be made in Spring, and if I buy the PS3, will probably push my Next-Gen console purchase back a year.

So here's the question: Do you think it would make more sense to get the PS3 and enjoy the back catalog along with the next year's worth of 360 and PS3 games before getting a Next-Gen console, or is the next year's worth of Next-Gen games and just the overall Next-Gen experience worth experiencing a year earlier? Also keep in mind not buying a PS3 will save me $200 in the long run as I will get a Next-Gen console eventually anyway.

Anyone with a PS4/XBone, I'd appreciate input on how blown away/underwhelmed/merely satisfied you are and based on that what you'd recommend in my shoes. I'm leaning towards getting the PS3 as I think there are a lot of games that would keep me busy, plus I don't imagine there will be a ton of amazing Next-Gen exclusives in the next year either.

Anyway, any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
PS3. You can finally play The Last of Us. Also, get PS Plus when you do. Tons of games, but not sure if you're in the U.S. Really, I bought a PS4 on launch day, because of that reason. I also had the money to spend it at the time, but there aren't many great games for the PS4. The best game on the PS4 is Resogun.
I'd say free PS3. I'll assume you've got enough of a back catalog to at lest last you until the slight price tag that's bound to happen in the next year and a half!
Chunibrow said:
Anyway, any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Make a list of games you want to play on PS3. List up all the exclusives from Sony and Japanese developers, then list all the games from third-parties that you might buy and play on your PS3. This will give you a better idea of the actual value you'll get out of the machine. Take into consideration that you'll get plenty of games from your PS+ subscription because we're all gonna laugh at you if you don't get one of those with your free PS3. You're gonna have gaming coming out of your eyeballs.

Then list any games you might want to play on next-gen. Games exclusive to next-gen (either X1 or PS4) and any games that will be "better" on next-gen, like Watch Dogs, etc. Take into account what you'd rather play on your PC. Should make the decision a lot easier when you see it all stacked up like that.

You can use Wikipedia to help you list games. Just search List of PS3 games or List of PS4 games.
danielrbischoff said:
Chunibrow said:
Anyway, any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Make a list of games you want to play on PS3. List up all the exclusives from Sony and Japanese developers, then list all the games from third-parties that you might buy and play on your PS3. This will give you a better idea of the actual value you'll get out of the machine. Take into consideration that you'll get plenty of games from your PS+ subscription because we're all gonna laugh at you if you don't get one of those with your free PS3. You're gonna have gaming coming out of your eyeballs.

Then list any games you might want to play on next-gen. Games exclusive to next-gen (either X1 or PS4) and any games that will be "better" on next-gen, like Watch Dogs, etc. Take into account what you'd rather play on your PC. Should make the decision a lot easier when you see it all stacked up like that.

You can use Wikipedia to help you list games. Just search List of PS3 games or List of PS4 games.

I appreciate this detailed info but I'm very lazy and it sounds like a lot of work so I think I will probably just get a PS3. Does the Dualshock 4 work with all PS3 games or just some of them?
Some games work with it, others don't. GTA V, for example, doesn't work with the Dualshock 4 at all. Definitely go with a DS3 for playing on PS3.
I'd say go for the PS3, the PS4 doesn't have lots of games available at the moment and by the time the library will be more decent, you'll finish last of us, Infamous, Resistance and Uncharted. That and the online mode ain't as mind hurting as the next gen one.

And do get the PS plus! There are some upcoming free games worth the subscription price.
I'd say ps3 to let all the kinks work out of next gen consoles. Plus there's not that many great games for next gen consoles.

So what if it's a 12gig console it's free. Just buy an external hdd, or whatever else. Seriiously lots of great PS3 exclusives, and you can get cheap ass games from gamestop.
I didn't fully read what he meant. Yeah, just replace the HDD like Longo suggested. That 200 you save could go towards a new HDD and games.
A 500gb WD Scorpio black in 2.5" form factor is $64 on amazon. That's a faster drive than standard in 500gb, or alternatively a 320gb 5400rpm one is $43.

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