Piracy is summed up by one gif


I'm fairly outspoken against Piracy, as most know. The reason is simple.


That is all.

What are peoples thoughts on software piracy in general? And DRM? Always-On DRM, is it acceptable? What about cd-keys? One-time use codes? Limited numbers of installs? What are peoples limits to the amount they're going to put up with?
A few weeks or months ago I made a comment about the Piracy/DRM and the effect on actual customers by relating it to gun control.

This is pretty much it. Things are done to take a swipe at the offending group, but more often than not, it only winds up hurting those who actually do things the proper way.
Take the guns out of the hands of the population, then only the government and the criminals will have them.
i buy everything. i don't pirate anything, i get all my songs on iTunes with an iTunes card, I have a giant stack of Blu Rays that I bought on release.

the only thing I'll download is VERY old movies, that I could barely even find at a video store if I tried. and I download Dexter and American Horror Story the day after they air because I work Sunday and Wednesday nights, always.

I rage on friends when theyre like DURR why don't you just download it? Well why don't you just go into the store and steal the blu ray? Then you have the whole thing, pretty case and all. NO don't wanna do that? Why? Clearly they're all just not stealing because they're scared to get caught, not due to a lack of respect.

Next time a friend says that to me I'm gonna steal some blu rays or games i want from his house. When he mentions it I'll be like yea I was gonna buy it but saw I could just grab it off your shelf. Much easier right?

then i'll give it back of course.

Then the Pirates bitch when game companies stop giving a shit about computer games because they know 90% of them will just be pirated.

It has to be hurting America's bottom line somewhere. everywhere?
It's quite disproportional when looking at the torrent trackers and most every page is dominated by American wares. No wonder the US is wanting to lead anti-piracy movements, because it seems Americans are the ones getting ripped off the most by piracy.

What I'm actually saying is it's time for the rest of the world to get their act together when it comes to entertainment. That's cool if you foreigners download The Office, Lost and Entourage season 1-4 - I'm okay with that. Just make some in-house programming that we'd like to download in return. Tit for tat. And not just the two or 3 countries who help out so far (you know who you are), but the rest of the world too. Dude, make a movie and make it something I'd want to see. Like, just one? No, like 10. Because you know you've downloaded Batman, Inception...fuck, you name it you've downloaded it, so help us out, guys. Ball's in your court, fellas. Balls in your court.
Bad times are all around and it's time to step your game up when it comes to Americans' entertainment dollar. Anime alone isn't gonna cut it.

Swedes, we're looking at you. Get in the booth and cut a track, make a cartoon, contribute something.
Sweden is contributing, it's called Minecraft, which is a wholly unique game, which did not steal or rip ideas from any-Oh wait....
Isn't the Office a British-made sitcom?

Piracy has always existed since the dawn of computer software like how thieves existed since the dawn of time. I don't think you could fight it, not even with DRM that checks the insides of your colon. You could minimize your loses and go with a popular download service like Steam (again, doesn't prevent the software from being pirated) or you could not develop for platforms known for piracy (but then again, pirates will move to a consoles and pirate there).

DRM obviously isn't working and software companies have to figure out a different strategy to minimize loses due to piracy without pissing off the consumer.
I've always found it amusing how quickly opinions change sometimes. When Steam was first announced, and for the first month or so, everyone hated it, said it was the baby of the evil publisher devil. They said that it would ruin computer games, that they should be able to play their Half-Life 2 that they bought, 'how dare they make me active this game online?!'. Now, everyone loves Steam, think its model is the best. I still don't get it.
I. Laughed. Out. Loud.

I would never pirate anything that's still being sold. I'm also outspoken about it. Just imagine life without pirates...ahhh...But really, they're just another breed of jerks that other people have to put up with.

World is dumb.
Green_Lantern said:
cyberjim2000 said:
Isn't the Office a British-made sitcom?

Not the good/popular one.

Worst example ever. You know, since the creators of the British show brought it here, made money off of it and are even credited on the show. That's not piracy, it is re-marketing in a new region. It's not even plagiarism.

I can't say that I've never pirated, but I don't pirate music, movies or games. It's simple enough to rent something for a dollar or buy a song for the same, so I for one support commerce and capitalism and the grungy dude who holds the boom mic.
The only person that supports piracy around here was madster because he was an entitled little bugger. He's still in a huff about his banination because he's an abomination on these forumuhnations.
Longo_2_guns said:
If I buy a game for console and then want it for PC I'll pirate it. That's it.

Well that's just idiotic. Just buy it for PC and play it with a controller if you want the shitty console control experience.
Every game I've got, bought and paid for. Every movie I've got, bought and paid for.
With the exception of a few music albums/series, I've bought and paid for them all.

Music or series that are hard to come by or that are not available in my country, I download. Once I get the opportunity to legally own it on CD or DVD, I go out and buy it, as simple as that. I go as far as buying online from other countries just so that I can get it (taxation/import/shipping costs can be b*tch though!).

This simple policy has left me with an extensive library of media which I legally own. And not a lot of digital material. That what I have got formatted as MP3's, are usually digital copies of the albums I've purchased (which I am allowed to make, for my personal use only).

With the exception of purchases from Steam, I do not own many digital games, or digital only purchases of music. I frankly detest iTunes and I'm looking for a good synch tool so that I can upload songs to my iPod without having to use that shoddy tool (and also to get rid of annoying update requests and quicktime).

I do not condone or promote piracy. I would partake in it just to get a sample of someones work, or to see if something is worth the buy. If that is so... well... I grab my wallet. If not, why bother storing it on a hard drive then?
When I played games on my PC, I pirated games that didn't have demos, or had shitty demos.

If I liked it, I bought it. If I didn't like it, I removed it.

Not trying to condone my actions, but eh.
I'd rather have sex dreams about my mother riding me into a sweaty orgasmic mess than talk about this.
Man, then it sure is a good thing no one bumped the thread with an inane comment so that the discussion will continue up again.

Wait... shit.

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