OP is a friend

>Be 9 year old me
>Have a bad stomach for 2 weeks
>Doctors say I might be allergic to milk

>I love O'boy (chocoloate milk) and will never stop drinking it
>Wake up one morning with extreme stomach pain
>Spend entire morning on toilet
>No more pains thank god
>Go out for breakfast, make tuna toast for me and my 5 year old bro
>Fucking delicious, but something is missing
>I crave O'boy now, my earlier stomach pains are completely forgotten
>Mmmmh fucking O'boy man
>A few hours pass, playing mario kart with brother
>He sucks, i'm laughing at him, although he's only 5, he should know how to throw bananas
>Laughing really hard by now, can't breath
>mfw he's driving the wrong direction

>I win the round, waiting for everyone to end the lap
>5 year old bro haven't even driven his first lap yet
>My sides are now sprawling on the floor
>I get this brilliant idea to fart in his face (done this many times before)
>I pull down my underwear and put my ass-cheeks towards his face
>Let out a huge fart
>Fart is followed by liquid shit
>My peacefully playing little brother is now getting sprayed with shit
>A few seconds pass, bro looks like he's about to cry
>Suddenly he screams louder than i've ever heard anyone scream before
>Dad heard the scream
>He comes in and sees his youngest kid sprayed with shit, crying
>I stand there without underwear, shocked
>Dad pukes
>Lil' bro is crying
>I begin to cry
Grounded for 2 weeks.

I haven't drinked O'boy ever since, although i'm not allergic to milk.
Hey Chris, I'm not going to edit the body of your post, because I don't give a shit, but please self-censor titles like this so that these words aren't displayed on the Community Tab on the front page.

This is bannable, so just try to be careful next time :)

And yeah, I'm having a shit day too WL.
to go in the user title text field above my avatar, underneath my name on the left hand side. Appreciate it. no caps, please

actually, scratch that. now requesting
danielrbischoff said:
Haha, fixed. I just copy and pasted what you wrote.

>_> i don't know what you're talking about...

Now that is just...
seriously, Frozen? You couldn't just type in red, green, purple and blue? You had to use the HTML color chart? really?

sigh.... it's too late now. change it back to bannanable, please

curse you, 4th grade spelling! why was I absent on 'banana' week? why!

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