omg A Time Traveler!!!


Cell phone time traveler from 1928?

Is this woman on a cell phone in a 1928 Charlie Chaplin movie?

By Suzanne Choney

Is a woman in a 1928 film who appears to have a cell phone glued to her ear in fact a time traveler? That's what some conspiracy theorists think this eerie scene (video below) from Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film, "The Circus" is telegraphing, or rather phoning, and that the woman -- who looks about as time-traveler-ish as Martha Stewart, is indeed a voyager from the vortex of time and space.

Belfast filmmaker George Clarke, a Chaplin fan, says he was watching the "behind the scenes of 'The Circus' " and was "stumped" at what he saw.

"I kept winding it back, playing it; winding it back, playing it back, and I couldn't explain this," he says. "I want to get this out there to let people try and give me an idea, because right now the only conclusion that I can come to -- it sounds absolutely ridiculous, I'm sure, to some people -- it's a time traveler." Although, as Clarke notes, the "old woman ... looks like a man in drag ... on a mobile phone."

Some who have seen the clip and commented online say it's not a phone the woman is holding, that perhaps she's holding her hand up to her ear to shield the sun from her eyes, or to shield herself to stay out of the camera's gaze.

"Aside from some Star Trek time travel shenanigans -- could it have been some type of hearing aid ... or transistor radio or maybe even the fact that she might have been a nut bag and she was talking to herself?" said one person's posting on

My English teacher spent like three days talking about this last year. He seemed pretty hung up on this whole time traveling thing. wutaer
Eh....not a cell phone, but we can see it as one because of our own perceptions of what a cell phone would do and look like on the street.

Modern interpretation of the movements on the screen.
This video made my day. What started as an interesting video, it soon spiraled into a debate about video altercations, government conspiracies, moon crystals, and ghosts. Made things more interesting at least...

But he's definitely a tome traveler. End of discussion.

Siemens patent for a compact, pocket sized carbon microphone/amplifier device suitable for pocket instruments.

For a while, the carbon amplifier patented by Siemens played a major role in hearing aid technology and significantly raised the volume of hearing aids.

The electrical energy controlled by the carbon microphone was not fed to the receiver directly. It first drove the diaphragm of an electromagnetic system connected to a carbon-granule chamber. Current was transmitted across this chamber from the vibrating diaphragm electrode to the fixed electrode plate.

The amplified current produced mechanical vibrations in the electromagnetic hearing diaphragm that were then transmitted to the ear as sound.

Um... I'd go with this. :P

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