Occupy Wall Street

Ok that exchange between eyebrow and urban... really made me giggle like no other. It's conversation like these that makes me come back to GR every day
LinksOcarina said:
Icepick said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
can always trust a jew!

Jesus disagrees

I think he has no opinion. You know, being dead and all.
Well, I found a job so I guess I am ok for now.

$9.00 an hour (unusually high for a retail job here) doing stock and re-arranging at a childrens clothing store.

Not a bad gig to be honest, benefits and a decent wage for less hours...I can handle that for a year.
De-Ting said:
LinksOcarina said:
doing stock and re-arranging at a childrens clothing store.
Kidsexchange? :P

Also, you're making $9.00/h more than me. :thumbup:

Childrens Place.

It's something...at least. I feel kinda inadequate since it's not what i'm trained for, but I will do my job and do it well anyway.
Well, I was there. I went to occupy wall street. It is contained in Zucotti park. which is the size of a medium ice rink really. Lot's of dreadlocks, didn't see more than 200 people left. Food cart guys have surrounded it selling food to them; capitalism at work. Brilliant. This is not the 1960s, this is a gang of folks who think that music, art, and poetry are skills, when in fact they are hobbies. Wonder if i walked past blob at some point.

Wall street was clear, crazy tall buildings, feel like such a yokel in this city.

two days left of new york. fun city.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Well, I was there. I went to occupy wall street. It is contained in Zucotti park. which is the size of a medium ice rink really. Lot's of dreadlocks, didn't see more than 200 people left. Food cart guys have surrounded it selling food to them; capitalism at work. Brilliant. This is not the 1960s, this is a gang of folks who think that music, art, and poetry are skills, when in fact they are hobbies. Wonder if i walked past blob at some point.

Wall street was clear, crazy tall buildings, feel like such a yokel in this city.

two days left of new york. fun city.

Glad you are enjoying New York. Make sure to try the pizza. where, it doesn't matter, just eat some.

and I figured as much about OWS...like I said weeks ago this will fail unless if they wake up and realize that they need leadership and an actual message, even with hard-hat workers and teachers participating; they still need to do more than just bang drums...
Oh yeah had the pizza last night. place called pats or something near NYU. Fantastic. Today going to get to the MoMA and more central park maybe.

Sunshine Diner on Meeker for breakfast first though. Aw yeah.
They have lost touch in Oakland.

"Hey, lets shut down the port. That will really stick it to those rich bastards!"

You know who is getting it stuck to them? The dockworkers who couldn't work then. Add on the damage and general hooliganism going on. Good job Oakland, turned your movement into what people always expected. Rubbish.
The Oakland general strike was insane. I plan on going this weekend. Oakland is TOTALLY stealing Wall street's thunder. When I was at Occupy SF the night they gassed Oakland - it looked REALLY pitiful. I'd say less than 200 people. Then Mayor Quan decided to give the dying movement renewed vigor by strong arming them in the middle of the night. Genius.

GJ, Links on finding work. Its something to hold you over, plus you're pretty much garunteed employment during the Holiday season - hopefully after that you can find a steady gig that pays better.

Eyebrows - Arts are skills. Don't think so? You're browsing a gaming forum.

Arts contribute to human progress and technological advancement JUST AS MUCH as the sciences. The arts need the sciences to bring their ideas to life, and the sciences need the arts to help develop concepts.

Are the arts marketable skills? Depends on where you live and who values what. If you settle for a career in the arts you have to understand that you are not going to make as much money as you're science counter-parts, but don't disregard their skill set.

Glad you enjoyed NYC though - spend any time in Queens?

StickyGreen - for a movement that had 7,000 people walking peacefully - for a LARGE majority of the day - its sad that you play completely into the hands of the media by beleiving that it was a $h!tSH0W of angsty-middle class pot smoking anarchist teens.
These Occupy things are really kinda dumb, in my opinion. It's a whole lot of people who are angry and jealous of other people who are fucking up shit, and are just letting that all spray out in every possible direction without aim. There's no real leadership, no real direction, no real purpose other than to say "RAWR! LOOK AT US! WE STILL CAN ASSEMBLE!"

Though at least it's better than those slut walks. Jesus Christ, those were so retarded.
UrbanMasque said:
StickyGreen - for a movement that had 7,000 people walking peacefully - for a LARGE majority of the day - its sad that you play completely into the hands of the media by beleiving that it was a $h!tSH0W of angsty-middle class pot smoking anarchist teens.

Its sad that you go around saying what my opinion is when you don't even know.

First, I could care less whether they are middle class, rich or poor. I don't give a crap if they smoke pot unless they refuse to share with me.

Second, I condemned them for what they did last night. They let the idiots into the party, and it only takes one to ruin the whole thing.

Third, they are wasting their time. Nothing will change because of this. But hey, they can go home (wherever it is) eventually and make themselves believe that they actually turned the cog.

Two years from now, the only crap to come out of this will be a few different stooges up on the hill.

For the record, don't go expressing MY opinion when you aren't even aware what it is.

EDIT: Urban, I respect your right to have an opinion, regardless where it sits opposed to mine. I am capable of forming and stating my own opinion though, and I'll ask that you respect me on that, because THAT is what set me off.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Second, I condemned them for what they did last night. They let the idiots into the party, and it only takes one to ruin the whole thing.

What are they supposed to do? Sift through the protesters and weed out the hooligans?
The people that damage property are more than likely not associated with the protests, but rather use the protesters as a cover to do these acts. That is unless (*places his tin foil hat on*), they are moles sent to discredit the protests.

If nothing is going to come out of this - What do you think would cause change, in YOUR opinion? I also believe that not much will change, but by not demonstrating in SOME form - you're completely giving up. What should they do if they want change?

Them not having a central figurehead, makes this movement is better. No one person to placate on behalf of the masses. No one person to tarnish, to discredit the group. And no one message to undermine.

WAAHHH - that protest doesn't have a message, lets be honest man - if you don't know why people are upset then you're delusional. The general idea of the protests: In short, is that things are bad. And the feeling is that people want to reform the policies that places ALL of the burden on the working class.

Tell me - what was the message behind the Tea Party movement? Take our country back? Ya, Real clear. Now, they have politicians playing to their movement - which will probably happen for the occupiers in November when Dems are trying to get reelected. I hardly call that nothing. So yes, the stooges will change - but with the changing stooges, comes the changing messages they carry.

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