New glasses


So tired.
So after a year, I finally bought some new glasses. It's tragic really, having two pairs of glasses go missing in one year. So I turned to my contacts. And for one year I survived by them alone.

My eyes have never been drier.

It's nice to have a quick fix without the need of jamming a finger into my eye. That being said, glasses suck too. So here's to laser surgery, which truthfully sounds horrific.

"OK, Brett, remember how we said, 'don't look at the sun, or at flashlights, or...y'know, lasers?' Well, forget all that and stare at this laser. Also, we're cutting your cornea. No, it's not as funny as it sounds. That's a part of your eye."

So fellow brothers who lack perfect vision, what's your poison? Glasses or contacts.
I used to roll contacts, but I have pretty lame allergies and an astigmatism so I've been full-time glasses for about two years.

Glasses can suck, but for me not as much as contacts.
I've been exclusively using contacts for about eight years now. Though I haven't been to the eye doctor in a year or so. I should probably do that soon.
I hate glasses for the same reason I hate any accessory. I'm going to lose them. Also, I'm a lively active person and I know I'm going to accidentally knock them off my face all the time...again.

With contacts, it's the burning and the fact that at random points in the day I just blink them out, or they roll into the back of my skull.
I feel sorry for you glass wearing friends, being one of those weird guys with better than 20/20 vision. I couldn't live with glasses because i'd forever be messing with them, unable to keep them clean and shit.
Laser correction has come a long way since it started, in case you're hearing stories about people who've had it some years ago. Sounds scary, but it would make the future a lot easier.

I personally could never use contacts, because I wouldn't be able to get it onto my eye. The idea of it getting stuck terrifies me, and I just don't want something there constantly. It might even be a different story if I were putting in contacts to leave there forever, but obviously that's not happening.

So I wear glasses. I like them as an accessory, and although I do have to repair them often (because laser detectors fall onto my face out of nowhere!!), and yes, they do get knocked off a lot, I think I prefer them for not having to have things touch my eyeballs. I guess that just means I'm a wuss. ._. But that's okay! I'm a wuss with happy eyeballs.
Ive had a friend get laser eye surgery. He now can see perfectly.

Fun story, In highschool I was in welding class and even though I had protective glasses on a piece of slag flew through the opening while I was looking down and into my left eye. One day later and with a eye swollen shut I was sent to the emergency room.

They had to numb my eye and use a needle to pry the piece of metal out! And then the next day I had to go to a eye doctor to have my eye numbed again so they could DRILL OUT THE RUST RING. I had to keep my eyes very still while the vibration of the drill made my vision vibrate. Absolutely terrifying. Like deadspace 2. Please do not watch this until after surgery.

Then later that year when filling the water compartment in a car battery a drop flew up and into that same left eye. Hurt like no other. Had to wash out my eye for 3 hours.
I still test perfect vision but I can tell my left eye is just slightly less sharp than my right eye.

Be nice to your eyes please. Im lucky I didn't ruin my vision.

As for dry eyes. I live by "Visine Maximum Redness Relief". ... B004MUEQ6S
I've been lucky with 20/20 vision. It seems to skip a generation in my family since my grandparents had 20/20 vision while my mom and my aunts and uncles wore glasses.

But I will say nearly every one of them went for laser eye surgery and everything turned out fine. My mom would wear reading glasses but she doesn't need glasses to drive.

Don't worry man, lasers our are friends. They fix vision, remove unwanted hair and turn tag into an epic adventure.
this guy that i went to school with pulled his cornea away from his eye when trying to pull out his contacts, and that just freaked me out to contacts entirely.

I don't need glasses, but I think I'd like wearing them. That distinguished gentleman bonus xp seems cool. The stereotypes I get are basketball player and hoodlum #2. I think with glasses I could attain at least a scoundrel #1. What kind of frames do you guys go in for? see, glasses seem like fun to me. also, glasses fetish, guilty. er, ew. i may have a fetish-fetish. never mind me
I've been flirting with half-frames lately. I know they've been in for a long time, but I'm not exactly a trendy person. I have really full cheeks, and having the bottom frames rest on them doesn't help out my tiny eyes, or my round face. Going completely frameless wouldn't do anything either except accentuate those features, and also make it look like I have something funny on my nose. Anyway, I currently have blue metallic frames that are round, with fairly broad and patterned/textured sides. They also have transition lenses, which I have mixed feelings about.

I wouldn't normally choose the glasses I have now, but my coverage was about to run out, and I was also graduating in a few days, so I really needed some, fast. It was a mix of being exhausted and meeting with a charismatic storeowner that made me choose these ones. I don't regret them, but I'm not as excited about them as I have been with other pairs.

Maybe next time, half-frames. There were these awesome red trapezoidal frames that came with magnetic shades, and I really wanted them just because they're bold, and I feel like I could put on the shades and walk around downtown feeling like a superstar. ...WHATEVER, DON'T JUDGE ME. :|
See, glasses don't look good on me. So I've always worn contacts.

I've been a bit of a natural with them, though. I can put them in and take them out like it's nothing, and I can even nap with them in if I want to. I never wear glasses in public.

Except when I go out with my sister. Since we usually go to the gay bar by her place to play pool, I've donned a pair of fake glasses and a baseball hat. Ingenious disguise.

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