"Nerd" Culture

Wes said:
now we have "gamers" who never would have touched an N64 in the 90's
Or if they did, it was only for Goldeneye, and now all they know about it is it also had Ocarina of Time.
Wes said:
intoTheRain said:
its never been uncool to be geeky/nerdy.

I wish I went to your highschool.

Anything technology related was once considered to be nerdy. But that changed once the tech was mobile. Chicks love their phones and once texting took off it wasnt long before mobile technology was introduced to girls. Then smart phones became popular and now we have "gamers" who never would have touched an N64 in the 90's

well i went to highschool in a stoner/beach town. dunno if that had anything to do with it. i know i'm glad i didn't go to school in the city, i hate city kids.
I gotta side with Rain on this one, geeky hobbies don't make you socially awkward by rule of thumb, it;s that socially awkward folk happen to gravitate to geeky things because they're solo activities

I'm socially awkward, I can admit that with no shame, I have very few friends and I like it that way, I'm prone to punching people, so I limit contact, and I can't flirt with a woman for the life of me, so I like to stay inside, avoid the sun, and that limits my activities to masturbation and video games, I'm good enough at both I could go pro if I so chose

But this complaint that people are joining in on your fun is just hipster talk, if people like the same comics you do, all that means is that they'll have more money for better production

I do get bothered by video game discussions though, when asked what someones favourite classic game is, and they respond "Goldeneye, or final fantasy 7" I do rage,
^^ exactly.

and the reason gaming and such is becoming "cool" now is because it is more of a social activity. with headsets and everything being online and achievements etc. it's no longer sitting in a room alone playing a game, or inviting friends over specifically to play video games side by side.

it's something people do to kick back at home and shit talk their friends over headsets when there is nothing else to do.
intoTheRain said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Wes said:
now we have "gamers" who never would have touched an N64 in the 90's
Or if they did, it was only for Goldeneye, and now all they know about it is it also had Ocarina of Time.

and banjo kazooie

What the hell does that have to do with anything? If today's generation of gamers never touched an N64 in the 90's, its probably because they were gaming on PS2s and Xboxes in the 2000s. Just remember, Half-Life is older than some high schoolers. That's like saying that I'm not a "real gamer" because I've never played Pong in an arcade before...Well, the reason I've never played Pong in an arcade before is because it was obsolete before I was born.

Anyways, yeah, what other people said: Technology advances, video games find their way onto cell phones, then smartphones/tablets, everybody gets a cell phone, now since everyone plays video games (in some form or another) everyone is a gamer. Now that Grandma is on Farmville, the media catches on (how many stories have you seen with the basic gist of "Video games aren't just for kids anymore! In fact, the average gamer is a 55 year old woman! Herp de derp!"?) and the rest is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. Did you guys know that you can now find video game coverage in the Sunday New York Times?

Anyways, think of it this way. Let's say its 1972. We have a young male whose hobbies include ham radio, coin collecting, and amateur engineering projects. He lacks social skills and have few friends. He identifies a nerd. Fast forward 20 years to 1992. We have another young man, his hobbies include Advance Dungeons & Dragons, chatting on Usenet, and some PC gaming (mostly Civilization, but also some Wolfenstien). He also lacks popularity and social skills. He too, identifies in a nerd. Now, in 2012, we have two more young men. One of them wears thick-rimmed glasses, is always fiddling with his iPad and Samsung Galaxy S3, updating his Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and plays lots of video games (lots of CoD, brah). He is popular and has lost of friends. He considers himself a nerd. The other young man torrents lots of anime, plays lots of video games, tinkers with his multiple PCs, and has few friends. He also considers himself a nerd. So you see, we have nerds, and then we have capital-N Nerds. The two are not the same.
But in my experience I have found that the nerd of 2012 is apart of the "nerd culture" that is now popular. The nerd in 1972 was viewed as someone lame since there was no connection between the anti-social nerds and the social jocks. The connection today is of course the internet and smart phones. Facebook, smart phones, Twitter etc are a popular way for sociable people to connect

So today you may have someone who doesn't play video games but uses his/her phone/tablet constantly. And the fact that technology is in itself considered nerdy, said people feel they're apart of nerd culture.

So you've now got your D&D nerd and your social network nerd. Who isn't really a nerd! LOL
I've always defined a nerd as the inability to speak with the object of their affections without nearly having a panic/heart/asthma attack... Most confident and "beautiful" people (my name for them). have no issues whatsoever in speaking to a potential mate... True nerds struggle speaking to anyone they are interested in. including fellow nerds...

Hell I knew one kid who broke out in hives he would get so nervous...
I haven't read through all of this yet, but has anyone even mentioned that there's a difference between nerds and geeks/dorks? I feel a lot of people are forgetting that.
what does drive me nuts are those who "pretend' to be geeky either because they think it's a fad, or, more commonly, to try and appeal to nerdy men, and get validation for their looks, which they can't get when competing with other women on a level playing field

I dated someone like this, I thought it would be great, but turns out she failed at video games, thought she liked sci-fi but couldn't sit through a single film, and couldn't ever shut the fuck up during one, but never failed to wear "geek" accessories and constantly say "I know it's so weird that I'm a gamer girl, heehee"

Once she let me stick it in her ass I left her, I accomplished what I wanted

bitches like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNBFbLWC ... ature=fvwp drive me absolutely insane
De-Ting said:

That picture is amazing. So is your signature.

spartan317 said:
I've always defined a nerd as the inability to speak with the object of their affections without nearly having a panic/heart/asthma attack... Most confident and "beautiful" people (my name for them). have no issues whatsoever in speaking to a potential mate... True nerds struggle speaking to anyone they are interested in. including fellow nerds...

Hell I knew one kid who broke out in hives he would get so nervous...

Wow, break out in hives? That's crazy, poor kid.

I used to be absolutely terrible at trying to speak to a girl I was interested in when I was younger. I'd turn into a stumbling mess, verbally so to speak.

Still kind of the same now.

But breaking out in hives... wow. o_O
I'm late to the aspergers party, but I've been geeky all my life.

Nerdy? Didn't have the grades to be nerdy, but I sure geeked out over dumb shit. Still do.
Everyone's geeky about something, unless you have no inclination to learn about the things you like.

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