NeoGAF, Home to Childish Moderators Who Ban Everyone


Former Executive Editor
I'm sure you guys have heard of NeoGAF. It's a gaming forum that's been around for years, and it's known for being a place for developers and journalists to occasionally share thoughts.

I've been a huge forum addict since 2002, so it's kind of strange that I didn't register until about a year ago. However, I eventually made the jump and created an account, but it wasn't until about 8-months later that I was approved.

After weeks of engaging in awesome forum threads I logged in last week to find that I was banned. No, not temporarily, PERMANENTLY. This is what the message said:

You have been banned for the following reason:
Your entire post history is aggressive console fanaticism. Junior bans are permanent.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

I was absolutely shocked when I saw this. I have over 30,000 forum posts spanning several forums and I've never been banned in my entire life. I quickly went to check my forum posts and saw nothing inflammatory. Hell, I own a PlayStation 3, gaming PC, 3DS, and Wii U. It's kind of hard to be a console fanboy when you own several systems and use all of them.

The only thing that caught my eye was a post where I stated that I'm not very excited for the PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720 because the former will likely have a DualShock controller and the former will still require a yearly fee to play online. Yeah, it wasn't a bright comment but it was in a thread where people were dogging the Wii U. It was a forum thread littered with hateful comments about the Wii U becoming the next Vita, so I gave it some defense. Woopdee doo.

I then traveled to Google to see if I was an isolated case, and unsurprisingly I wasn't. It appears that the moderators at NeoGAF have a history of banning anyone who says something negative about PlayStation products. What a joke.

So why am I posting this? Well, to raise awareness, of course. If NeoGAF is really this terrible then it shouldn't be getting the massive traffic that it does. Steer clear and if you do have an account, don't bother posting unless it's to kiss the butt of the moderators.
There's a reason why the one and only forum I visit is GR.

Everywhere else has nazi mods or laid back mods with forums littered with trolls.
NeoGAF is shit. Though really, most every single forum has absolutely terrible mods, like Wes said. Too many people can't handle being in power. One thing you don't have to worry about here, I suppose.

But yeah, I did know that the NeoGAF mods are huge Sony fanboys. It's a bit funny, but just as pathetic.

Really, there are almost no good forums out there. I don't recommend any at all.
Speaking of which Jonathan, your thread where you're hawking your new book is getting you a permaban. Sorry man, guess it's just a bad week to be Jonathan.

Merry Christmas.
Wow. Kinda strikes home for me, here. Thanks for not banning me, dan, no matter how much you wanted to. :p
Wow, I'm not exactly a massive forum user. I've been here and at xboxachievements forums in my whole life. So this is actually quite a surprise to me. Guess I'll take heed Jonny - I wont go there anytme soon.
I bet a secret world fan is a moderator over there :p

Fuck um. People don't join forums to become popular or for some kind of self validation in a group. We interact from time to time and then move on with our real lives. NeoGaf is only hurting themselves.
Surprisingly i haven't been permabanned from too many forums, but that might have something to do with me only posting on forums that don't have shit mods. These days i really only hit up GR and AMC, a car forum. AMC because i've met a bunch of those guys IRL and hung out with them, so we all know we can punch each other if we're assholes, and GR because i have a crush on longo.

I've left a bunch of forums because of mods being nazis. One of the rules that pisses me off the most is stuff like Escapist, where any post that's not deemed to have enough content results in an automatic warning/ban. This means is someone asks for, like, and older game they can't remember and you go like 'Freelancer: [link]' you get a warning, which is kinda bullshit. Clear favoritism also annoys me - i was on the Ford forums before and defended the VE commodore, so i got banned for a couple days despite my post being full of clear points, because apparently calling someone an idiot when they can't spell and don't know what they're talking about is 'trolling'.

These days i just avoid forums in general and troll youtube comments for shits and giggs.
I didn't think they were so inept with swinging the ban - hammer. :eek:

Besides GR I tend to visit the Giant Bomb and Escapists forums. Some of the users there are very nice and have helped me either through some of the games or find a particular game. :)
Sourdeez said:
Lien said:
The only thing i know about the neogaf is that it can be summoned in Scribblenaut. It's a ride-able orb that zombifie everything it touches as seen in this video:

Seems about right...

That is way awesome.

"Whats the girl doing to my dog!?!"
I loved the guy's laugh when the dog suddenly became a fire dog driving a fire engine.

I'm quite tempted to buy that game, seeing now that it's vastly improved.

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