I have never been so mad over a game, until...

I'm simply amazing with stealth techniques and people want to say I'm "camping like a b*tch." Pretty sure Daniel said those exact words in our Halo: Reach playdate.
I got kicked and banned from a Battlefield server the other week. Why?

Cause I shot down a plane with the Centurion C-RAM. Isn't that what its there for?

To prevent people from just hovering over your base in an aircraft and destroying equipment nonstop. So, one plane equaled kick and ban. That is alright, I found a decent server to play on and just frequent that.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Yeah, it was just sour grapes, methinks...just bugged me because it was a killer round. It's not often I find a good groove in BF3.

At what Dan said, I think utterly bizarre that they're renting servers. A total cash grab. But since the switch, I haven't played on an EA server yet. Maybe I should've handled these crazy mod powers the same way, and power tripped like crazy.

Which also reminds me, Dan, when are we hitting co-op. I hope you can fly a heli...cuz I can't. Helis and fighters feel like they took the control design from Trials.

you wont find a single EA server anymore, they've all been removed, which makes the justification for the online pass, "Covering the cost of servers" fucking ridiculous and a blatant lie

I've been banned for winning, I've been banned for sneaking up behind an admin and knifing him, I've been banned because the admin wanted the helicopter, the games hardly worth playing now
This has been happening to me too, ironically some servers will say "only rule no (insert weapon here)" and I'll be annihilated by said weapon but when I start doing what I'm supposed to do and play my role and win the game I get kicked. Your only rule was to not use a certain weapon and I get banned for playing the game well. That's like giving a penalty to an athlete that isn't breaking any rules but is the MVP. I thought host losing and rage quitting to end the game for everyone was bad but kicking people because they killed you too many times in a fair way is just plain wrong.

I agree camping is wrong, the only time in my mind you could kinda defend camping is if you're defending an objective but just laying down and waiting for some schmuck to run by and get unloaded on takes absolutely no skill.

Another thing about online gaming I didn't like was how unfriendly people were in WOW, two summers ago I gave the game a try and when I tried out the dungeons I didn't know what I was doing. I was new, I prefer to learn by playing not really by guides and the second I did something wrong I was crucified and when I admitted I was new I was treated as if I said I enjoy doing terrible, sexual things to unborn babies. This happens in most online gaming but I found it almost always in WOW
I think everyone on Battlefield has experienced admins abusing their powers. My friends and I joined a ps3 server ran by user ‘creageaeon’ and started off very well. One by one, the top players on my team were kicked, including my squadmates. We re-joined, only to be banned. So I looked up this guy’s stats, and he is #27 on the psn global leaderboards with a SPM of 462 (mine is 477). The other top positions are 700-1000. I know it is common for leaderboards to be dominated by cheaters, but this is another example of how server admins can manipulate their stats and just ruin the game for other people.
danielrbischoff said:
That's when giving power to players goes a little too far.

Too bad that's not why their doing it.

They are renting out their servers...which means they don't have to pay. Which kinda defeats the purpose of an online pass. Money money money money money

So yeah, shoutout to the business guys over at EA, racking in that cash.
I'm done, I'm fed up, and if EA had an actual customer service line, I'd be demanding a refund

this game is no longer playable, I get booted constantly for playing the fucking game I purchased. That's even considering I abide by the retarded rules server admins set up

As of 11 am this morning, I played for 2 hours, I had not finished a single match as I've been kick/banned from every single one.
Knifing an admin? Ban
Doing well in a helicopter? Ban
Defending the objective? Ban
Armed the objective? Ban
Destroyed a tank with c4? Ban
Thought about shooting my gun? Ban

this is fucking ridiculous, you can not sell someone a product, than change it half a year later, and figure that's acceptable. This isn't the game I purchased, that game died when they let fuckwit 13 year olds with their parents credit card determin who can play and who can't.

Remember when boosters were using a exploit to raise their engineering level? An oversight DICE didn;t count on resulted in hundreds of people being banned from playing the game. But, if you pay $30 a month, you're allowed to exploit by kicking anyone who is on your level or better at the game than you are, that's fine though.

If there was the option on playing legit servers that would be fine, but they're now non existent.
De-Ting said:
Are we talking just PC here, or consoles too?

consoles, while this is not something new for PC gamers, the online community for those games seem to be less full of dipshits
If you're so frustrated, then rent your own server that you can be the boss of.

^ and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how they get you.
used44 said:
If you're so frustrated, then rent your own server that you can be the boss of.

^ and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how they get you.

I know it sounds laughable, but that is their actual position on the issue. So after buying the game, you must pay an addition $30 just so you don't get booted for..playing the game?
Icepick said:
De-Ting said:
Are we talking just PC here, or consoles too?

consoles, while this is not something new for PC gamers, the online community for those games seem to be less full of dipshits

Yeah. I've honestly rarely had this problem with PC servers. It seems that most PC server operations are run by adults and clans that don't really do this kind of thing.

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