And yeah, its Diablo 2 lol.

Instead of collecting rings you collected gems, and instead of getting stars, you brought statues back to life! What game is this?!
i got a really hard one.

its for the PC and game out in the mid 90s. aliens overtook the oceans. you usually go around in a underwater ship shooting aliens sometimes your on foot. and the entire game its like your on rails and you point and click to shoot. good luck figuring this one out

this is from a review of the game:

The premise of the game is that aliens have landed on Earth and, for several years now, dwelt at the bottom of our oceans manufacturing seawater to engulfe the continents. We, of course, will all die (and hence the conflict), but they will all be quite happy, since water is their usual medium. You are sent by Earth Oceans Alliance on 15 missions to overcome nearly impossible odds (unless you choose the Easy skill level) to destroy the enemy and keep the continents dry. You are provisioned with the latest technology in the Hydra, a fast and highly maneuverable fighter submarine armed with lasers, and, occasionally, you leave the Hydra on brief escapades in your armored dive suit. After completing all 15 missions, you will predictably save the world . . . but Microsoft has thrown you an unusual twist which I will not reveal. You will enjoy this surprise ending.
i have a question for the topic! alright here goes:

Which game from the 80's puts you in the role of a small Kiwi bird armed with a bow on a mission to save his friends from a leopard seal?

this might be a little easy, im not sure. but i dont know the answer to the one before me, so i guess we can have a twofer, mix it up a bit.
Mitchy_Slick_253 said:
i got a really hard one.

its for the PC and game out in the mid 90s. aliens overtook the oceans. you usually go around in a underwater ship shooting aliens sometimes your on foot. and the entire game its like your on rails and you point and click to shoot. good luck figuring this one out

this is from a review of the game:

The premise of the game is that aliens have landed on Earth and, for several years now, dwelt at the bottom of our oceans manufacturing seawater to engulfe the continents. We, of course, will all die (and hence the conflict), but they will all be quite happy, since water is their usual medium. You are sent by Earth Oceans Alliance on 15 missions to overcome nearly impossible odds (unless you choose the Easy skill level) to destroy the enemy and keep the continents dry. You are provisioned with the latest technology in the Hydra, a fast and highly maneuverable fighter submarine armed with lasers, and, occasionally, you leave the Hydra on brief escapades in your armored dive suit. After completing all 15 missions, you will predictably save the world . . . but Microsoft has thrown you an unusual twist which I will not reveal. You will enjoy this surprise ending.

X-COM: Terror from the Deep! Or like i called it, space aliens and UFOs... in water!... am i right?
succubus1997 said:
i have a question for the topic! alright here goes:

Which game from the 80's puts you in the role of a small Kiwi bird armed with a bow on a mission to save his friends from a leopard seal?

this might be a little easy, im not sure. but i dont know the answer to the one before me, so i guess we can have a twofer, mix it up a bit.

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