When y'all finish watching a movie, do you keep watching until the credits have rolled?
It doesn't matter if I'm watching at home or in the theater, I watch all the way through. One, you see some interesting things in the names and jobs. Two, it provides a relaxing period to conclude the movie, sitting, listening to the music and turning the movie over in your head. Three, it is respectful to all of those who invested time and effort into the film just watched, as they are a part of it.
It doesn't matter if I'm watching at home or in the theater, I watch all the way through. One, you see some interesting things in the names and jobs. Two, it provides a relaxing period to conclude the movie, sitting, listening to the music and turning the movie over in your head. Three, it is respectful to all of those who invested time and effort into the film just watched, as they are a part of it.