!!! Mass Effect 3 gameplay trailer.

2012. It got pushed back.

That said, my level of disappointment for this is set to be on par with ME2's. Especially when I see the whole mounted guns and knives bullshit.

Remember how the first Mass Effect game was a fun shooter/RPG where the threat you faced was obviously much bigger than one person? Bioware doesn't.
Longo_2_guns said:
Remember how the first Mass Effect game was a fun shooter/RPG where the threat you faced was obviously much bigger than one person? Pepperidge Farm does.
Longo you have a better ability than I to not let blind excitement prevent you from objectively looking at something. I did feel certain RPG elements missing in the second one but it was still a highly enjoyable game.

As long as they include more side-quests and planet exploration I should be happy. I don't want a Gears in space.
Longo_2_guns said:
2012. It got pushed back.

That said, my level of disappointment for this is set to be on par with ME2's. Especially when I see the whole mounted guns and knives bullshit.

Remember how the first Mass Effect game was a fun shooter/RPG where the threat you faced was obviously much bigger than one person? Bioware doesn't.

Really? I found ME2 to be far more enjoyable than ME. It was probably due to the varied locations and not generic bunker number 20x. :D
Instead of being generic bunkers, it was generic linear corridors with waist high walls.

And really, I wanted ME2 to be good. I loved the first game. But ME2 wasn't good, and this is showing the same signs ME2 was when they first started showing stuff on it.
Longo_2_guns said:
Instead of being generic bunkers, it was generic linear corridors with waist high walls.

And really, I wanted ME2 to be good. I loved the first game. But ME2 wasn't good, and this is showing the same signs ME2 was when they first started showing stuff on it.

I think you are overhating ME2. And about it being linear corridors with waist high walls... well that would then be every FPS. Linear corridors, covered in different wallpapers with stuff to shoot at. :roll:

I liked both games, replayed them both a lot of times and found ME2 to be more fun. I never understood the aspect of the RPG elements being lost. ME wasn't a deep RPG game to begin with. Didn't they say though that they will add more RPG stuff in ME3?

I think we'll agree to disagree. :D
De-Ting said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Remember how the first Mass Effect game was a fun shooter/RPG where the threat you faced was obviously much bigger than one person? Pepperidge Farm does.

This made me laugh stupid hard.
I agree with everyone. When it comes to pillaging what's popular at the moment, EA is quicker than hipster with a finger-stache near a case of PBR. They tend to do it wrong though.

The trailer looked good right up until the very end title splash when he flings out the little knife...I'm sorry, but the reapers could fuck em up fairly easy by not being stupid.

The story has gone from implausible to pants on head retarded. The only way I saw the story working was if they gave up and turned it into a Noah (Shepard's) Ark sort of thing, with him working to gather the various species and aliens together on the Quarian floatilla (or any other fleet) and hide until the reapers are through, and rebuilt from there.
Kijan said:
I think you are overhating ME2. And about it being linear corridors with waist high walls... well that would then be every FPS. Linear corridors, covered in different wallpapers with stuff to shoot at. :roll:

I liked both games, replayed them both a lot of times and found ME2 to be more fun. I never understood the aspect of the RPG elements being lost. ME wasn't a deep RPG game to begin with. Didn't they say though that they will add more RPG stuff in ME3?
You obviously mean TPS, but still, ME2 was a very copy pasted tps. Every level felt more or less exactly the same as the others with a slight scenery change. The story was just awful and the characters were, with a few exceptions, poorly done. And the lack of RPG elements was very obvious because there weren't any in the first place. But going from a fair amount of control over every aspect of your gun to simply "damage x2" is a very, very sharp drop.

And Eyebrows, it's going to go one of a few ways. Either the whole "degrading sun" bullshit from 2 that forced you to stay in the shadows will be weaponized to defeat the reapers, they'll pull an Independence Day where they kill them all with a virus of some sort, they'll trick them all into going to Earth and then destroy it all or something of that sort, they'll destroy them all manually (which it almost seemed like they were doing in the ME3 trailer despite the fact that that obviously shouldn't be happening), or some ancient deus ex will spring forth to defeat them all. I mean, if they had gone with the original plans for the second to be Shepard rounding up all the species to defeat the reapers, they could've developed a proper ending. But no, they railroaded it through that whole Cerberus bullshit and fucked it up.
My favorite part of the Mass Effect series?

Green_Lantern said:
In other Mass Effect 3 news...

There are rumors out there that ME3 will have a horde style co op mode...

Talk about stupid. I'm really starting to hate this whole MP just for MP aspect of game design. What's wrong with single player only games anymore?


Because critics bitch and whine when a game has no MP....And then they bitch and whine when the MP feels tacked on or isn't as good as a game with predominantly multiplayer features. It's irritating as hell.
Lethean said:
Green_Lantern said:
In other Mass Effect 3 news...

There are rumors out there that ME3 will have a horde style co op mode...

Talk about stupid. I'm really starting to hate this whole MP just for MP aspect of game design. What's wrong with single player only games anymore?


Because critics b**** and whine when a game has no MP....And then they b**** and whine when the MP feels tacked on or isn't as good as a game with predominantly multiplayer features. It's irritating as hell.

I think critics bash and whine more if a game has tacked on MP (hello DS2) rather than none at all.

Or am I the only one thinking like that?
Kijan said:
I think critics bash and whine more if a game has tacked on MP (hello DS2) rather than none at all.

Or am I the only one thinking like that?
No its true. I'd give a lower score to tacked on multiplayer than no multiplayer at all. It's a matter of sales and keeping a game in players hands for longer. Also, if a game has multiplayer, someone is less likely to sell it even if they aren't playing it.
I seen on E3 the're including capability of the Kinect on it. Me I enjoyed the second one better to be honest I found it more intense. Didn't like how they redid the planets exploration but I loved how they got rid of that annoying vehicle

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