
Uh, because Lucas Arts makes garbage? If it weren't for Traveler's Tales they wouldn't have made any money in the last 5 years.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Uh, because Lucas Arts makes garbage? If it weren't for Traveler's Tales they wouldn't have made any money in the last 5 years.
I was actually pretty hyped for Star Wars 1313 to have more details. I wouldn't have called it garbage.

At least Disney still licenses LucasArts.
Licensing is totally fine with me. Seriously, if you look at the games put out by LucasArts in the past decade there isn't much of note.
That's kind of what I was thinking. Old LucasArts was great but recently it's their shopped-out stuff that is best. I'm sure they'll still do that. Probably increasingly, knowing Disney's plans to ramp up the SW property.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Uh, because Lucas Arts makes garbage? If it weren't for Traveler's Tales they wouldn't have made any money in the last 5 years.
This. The only business Lucasarts has had recently is TT's business. Cutting back and only licensing out is what they've been doing recently pretty much. Other than that, lots of garbage. I would have LOVED to play Boba Fett 1313 or whatever it was gonna be, but oh well. Maybe they'll sell the production work and someone else will finish it.
Dollars for Dollars...if there is a viable product there, it's going to be picked up and the team will put something together and continue on their own.
I was never one for the adventure games, but when I look at the list of releases, it's pretty clear that there's something for everyone in Lucasarts' history:
Battlefront, Kotor, Jedi Knight, Rogue Squadron (this was a big one for me), Star Wars: The Clone Wars I played a shitload of on GameCube, Podracer, Bounty Hunter, Grim Fandango (probably the only adventure game of theirs i actually cared about), X-wing v Tie, Shadows of the Empire was clunky but still awesome with cheat codes, the Super star wars games...

really just a terrible move but the studio sucked now anyway. the last game they released... was Star Wars Kinect.
You gotta try out The Fate of Atlantis. Best Indiana Jones game ever made. Involves 3 "paths" or branching story lines for you to choose from, making replayability a must. Seriously, probably my favorite game of theirs besides The Dig.
It was a sad day in gaming history to see Disney let go of LucasArts. After reading everyone's comments though, it is true, LucasArts didn't make that many great games recently. Also, I didn't really play any LucasArts games that weren't Star Wars... except for Maniac Mansion back on the old Nintendo.

I was a big fan of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. I loved the original Rogue Squadron game on the N64 and the old X-Wing: Alliance games. I know they're quite old nowadays though. And despite its repetitiveness, I quite liked Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.

I was really looking forward to Star Wars: 1313. It's a nice change of pace to see a game that has no Jedi, or hopefully not anyway.

At the very least Disney may continue to license out Star Wars games to other developers so hopefully we will eventually see Star Wars: 1313.
Imagine if From Software made a Star Wars licensed game.

brb Dark Souls combat engine
brb AT-AT and the like boss battles
^ Both ideas above, a new Bounty Hunter and a new Rogue Squadron/X-Wing game would be awesome.

A friend of mine once said to me he'd love to see a game similar to Assassin's Creed, but about Boba Fett. That would be cool. :)
I'm just going to keep twiddling my thumbs and trying to convince my traumatized inner teenager that we'll eventually see KOTOR 3.

Heck, I'd settle for somebody to actually finish KOTOR 2.

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