GiftedMonkey said:
People will marathon a whole season of Game of Thrones (or any other TV show for that matter) but freak out (in the bad way) at a 4 hr. cut of LotR?
C'mon now....
It has nothing to do with how long the movie is. It has to do with the fact that most of it is completely unnecessary. RotK was soooooooo bloated. Extending it won't help that. It'll just make it more bloated.
I'll just say it. I don't think the Lord of the Rings books are any good either. There's entirely too much exposition and not enough actual doing. I applaud Tolkien for creating a world, but I have no interest in EVERY SINGLE f****** RELATIVE BILBO HAS GODDAMIT SHUT THE f*** UP ABOUT IT.
I had the same reaction during RotK in the theater. I just kept thinking over AND OVER AGAIN OH GOD THEY'RE GOING TO END IT RIGHT? WHAT THE f*** WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST END THE f****** MOVIE? WHAT THE f***.
So when RotK got the Oscar, it wasn't because it was the best movie. It was "hey we have to recognize what this guy did" but of the three Two Towers was the best and I haven't even watched that movie since the theaters either.