Let the music FUEL your emotions!


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Are there songs you listen to in certain situations? EG, play a sad song if your heart's just been broken? Play a fast song when you feel like getting yourself pumped up?

I'm so nervous about a game of football I'm going to play at the weekend (it's in a stadium with people watching and everything)! And I have a song: "Wtf is wrong with you" by Combichrist that just turns me into a badass mentally and pumps me up, and in the end just burns the nerves away!

Are there any emotional songs you play that help you cry or help you fly?!
Please dont turn this into a topic with millions of youtube links with no description where no one will ever click and listen! ;)
When I'm down and depressed, I tend to emo out to Creep by Radiohead. Sample lyrics:
Whatever makes you happy.
Whatever you want.
You're so fucking special.
I wish I was special.

When I'm having relationship problems (especially during my divorce), I like to play You by Candlebox. Sample lyrics:
And I'll tell you now
How I feel inside,
Fuck you,
It's for you.

When I'm excited and pumped up, I'll play Murmaider II: The Water God by Dethklok. Sample lyrics:
A crown of murdered foes
Will sit upon your head.
Those that wish to challenge you
Will wish that they were dead.
Still (Reprise) - Ben Folds
One that's come back to me recently. The song evolves brilliantly, comes back down, then shoots back up in an epic burst of frisson. I always see something magical in my head when it hits, something a long time coming.

Street Fighter EX Plus Guile and Allen
I know it's not traditional Guile, but it still sonic booms my ears with the amazing blend of sounds, and that one part in the middle...then again at the end...put me in, coach. Go ahead and listen to the rest of that playlist, too. I turn that on when I'm playing Diablo III.
I do, but if I actually post song info, I'll be ridiculed to no end. They're all silly pop songs from the 1990s or 2000s or something.

And MattAY, ever since that fateful night, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? has earned a second place in my heart.
Haha I still have the recordings of all that singing. I kid you not, it's in a folder named, "special"!

I'm assuming first place is Affen's Fernando....<3
Sightless said:
I do, but if I actually post song info, I'll be ridiculed to no end. They're all silly pop songs from the 1990s or 2000s or something.

Nothing wrong with that! My co-workers and I (all male I might add! The ones enjoying it anyway) were listening to some NSYNC the other day. Do share!
Rock Lethean's body right, cause backstreet's back, ALRIGHT!

My alarm clock is set to Tequila! It gets me up and mpvng in the morning.
I meant more on the weepy side of things, which I think is less acceptable than the pumped up side of things.

I did once have to make up a gymnastics routine in grade six, and it consisted of NSYNC/Backstreet Boys, I think. We actually made it up on the spot, and it was brilliant.

MattAY, I meant that it already had a special place in my heart, but now it has an additional one. But yes, Affendo is on the list of songs that brings a tear to my eye. *sniff*

A lot of the emotional songs are just that because of some random coincidental whatever that happened while the song was playing. For example, Wonderwall. I don't have any particular feelings about the song itself except 'oh god not again', but it makes me feel awkward because it was a song played at my graduation dinner thingy, and there was some drama going on. It's too much effort to try to undo that sort of thing. Life-ruining associations.
I have a few songs I relay to in terms of many of my moods/emotions.

To stick with Letheans beautiful profile picture, I enjoy the backing soundtracks to epic martial arts movies, as Jean Claude Van Damme will certainly not disappoint in terms of motivation.

My depressed lonely sadness:
Stan Bush - On my own
Movie - Bloodsport

Happiness and the raging bonerific urge to dance
Stan Bush - Streets of Siam
Movie - Kickboxer
Cool thread, MattAY. I dig it.

If I'm feeling good and happy, or if I want to feel happy then hell, I'll listen to Happy by Pharrell Williams. I know it's very cliche' and eye rolling, but I like it.

I'm also a fan of Owl City, due to it being so calming and relaxing for me. Good examples include Fireflies and Vanilla Twilight.

When I'm drawing cartoons (mostly GR Strips) I try to listen to a lot of upbeat kinda music. I've taken a liking to listening to old classics by Elvis Presley, such as Blue Sway Shoes and Hound Dog.

When I'm drawing more, I dunno, "serious" things (like concepts, ideas, characters etc) I like to listen to a lot of symphonic metal such as Nightwish and Within Temptation. Below is a few songs for both. I love the epic, almost supernatural feel to it.

Nightwish - Ghost River, Storytime, Nemo, Aramanth, The Poet and the Pendulum, Ever Dream.

Within Temptation - A Demon's Fate, Iron.

I also listen to a lot of orchestra-style sound tracks from video games, but I won't list 'em as the list can go on.

This is going to sound super dumb but when I'm at the gym lifting heavy weight (weight that I've never tried lifting before), I'll try to use music to help motivate me and psyche me up. This is "normal" yeah, but my choice of music though is a bit odd and not so normal... I like to listen to The Suicide Mission theme from Mass Effect 2 or the main theme of Skyrim. I'll only attempt the lift once the epic orchestra choir thing kicks in. :p I like these themes because for me, it really gives me a "This is it, I have to do this" kind of feeling.

Before a judo fight, I used to try and listen to heavy metal but I honestly might switch it out for the Mass Effect/Skyrim stuff. The music I used to listen to before a competition was mostly Disturbed, songs include Indestructible and Warriorfor example. Might scrap 'em though.

There's a few songs I refuse to listen to, or maybe can't. One song in particular which I'll list is Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. The reason I can't listen to this song (despite listing it here and even having it on my iPhone) is because it heavily reminds me of one of my closest friends, who sadly passed away near the end of 2010. It's strange because I can't listen to this song, yet it's on my phone but I can't bring myself to delete it.
Me too! Although I'm not very familiar with them and I'm still learning more about them and discovering more of their music.
I love to listen to this on grey and cloudy winter days.
Exit Music for a Film. Which also has the greatest climax to a song I've ever heard.

And for something not so dreary and hopeless but still Radiohead there's The National Anthem

Thom Yorke describes it as a pop song that destroys itself. And while I groove on the repetitive bass and sing along to the catchy lyrics I really get swallowed up during it's "destruction". Once those horns kick in I feel the chaos and it feels oh so good.
Master_Craig said:
Me too! Although I'm not very familiar with them and I'm still learning more about them and discovering more of their music.
Pre-/Post- Tarja? After Forever? Epica? ???

Sorry, that was a joke. But it's easy to branch out into a whole range of bands once you hit the gateway into symphonic metal. And it's tasty.
Sightless said:
Master_Craig said:
Me too! Although I'm not very familiar with them and I'm still learning more about them and discovering more of their music.
Pre-/Post- Tarja? After Forever? Epica? ???

Sorry, that was a joke. But it's easy to branch out into a whole range of bands once you hit the gateway into symphonic metal. And it's tasty.

I've heard of Epica and heard some of their music, but I've only heard what I've heard when listening to Internet radio Pandora.com.

Regarding Tarja (I'm assuming you're talking about Nightwish) I actually like both Nightwish pre and post Tarja. I haven't heard much of Tarja in her solo work, but I have heard her cover of Alice Cooper's Poison. To be honest I thought it was okay, but I prefer the original by Alice Cooper.

Speaking of symphonic metal... well, I'm not sure if this falls under symphonic metal or power metal, but I am a big fan of Sonata Arctica. I might post their songs later.

When driving long distances, I like to listen to old school rock and stuff too. Here's some songs I like:

AD/DC - Shoot to Thrill, Thunderstruck, Back in Black, TNT.

Alice Cooper - Poison, Can't Sleep (The Clowns Will Eat Me), Dangerous Tonight.

WASP - Wild Child, I Wanna Be Somebody, F*** Like A Beast.

I'm also a fan of parody hair metal band Steel Panther but I won't worry about posting up their songs. Very crude, immature and offensive. Which is kinda why I like 'em, ha ha. :p
I usually try to wind down after work with certain styles of music that I feel are perfect for the occasion. Problem is, I often keep myself up far too long if I find something really interesting. I usually listen to stuff like this when surfing GR and other fantastic websites. :)

Trey Gunn:

Brand X:

Frank Zappa:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvdlBJ ... re=related

It's just not healthy to be burned with emotion all the time, but observing the general public on a daily basis can become quite vexing to say the least. I feel that music like the preceding help quell my emotions rather than fuel them.

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