January releases.


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What upcoming game are you peeing yourself to play this next month?

The first release that I'm for sure picking up is Skate 2 (skate. 2 - if they haven't dropped the ridiculous spelling). I'm a huge fan of the first game, and so is my brother, so we'll be playing that online together I hope.
Im keeping $95 ready any waiting for FF13 and StarCraft 2 ( oh starcraft - why must you tease me so.)
Well, for anyone living in Canada, Total Drama Action is airing in January on Teletoon. :p

Anyway, if anything good really does come out in January, I'm going to be pissed, because I'm currently busy with Fallout 3, MGS4 and Oblivion, and whatever my brother decides to buy for the 360.
Urban, FF13? Isn't that being released much later in the year, possibly in 2010?

De-Ting, there's not many great games being released in January, but if you're not excited for Skate 2, maybe you'll like Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Peggle DS, or Dead Rising for the Wii?!!!!
When is Resident Evil 5 coming out? It's the only game I wait at the moment. I still have to get some of the already released games.
Resident Evil 5 will be released in March
About FF13, I quote from Wikipedia:
"Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy XIII would be released first in Japan on PlayStation 3 in 2009,[1] then released in North America and Europe on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 version will be released after the European and North American launches as significant porting will be required"
telefono said:
Resident Evil 5 will be released in March
About FF13, I quote from Wikipedia:
"Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy XIII would be released first in Japan on PlayStation 3 in 2009,[1] then released in North America and Europe on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 version will be released after the European and North American launches as significant porting will be required"

at e3 it was announced that the PS3 and 360 verison of FF would be released on the same day in North America. i was watching the MS E3 press conference.
UrbanMasque said:
The Demo releases in March.

The game can't be tooooo far behind that. Can It?

Considering he asked about January releases, I think it's safe to say yes - It can be :p.
I go back to Italy in January, so looking to play Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, WoW Expansion, Fable II and maybe a little CoD5. I left right before all the good shit came out :(.
I'm not too up to date on January releases, and I've never played the original skate. ... But I am excited for the first Fallout 3 DLC to be coming out sometime this upcoming month.

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