Is NAVGTR for real?


I know you guys are a bit more on the ball with meme's and what not. So those of you who have heard of NAVGTR, is he a real video game critic or just a troll?

For those who don't know of NAVGTR, he is apparently a game reviewer from the 90's who has reviewed games from SNESE/Genesis to the end of the N64/PS1 era. I've heard from many people that they believe he did have a show that reviewed all things geeky, including video games. And now they've all been uploaded onto YouTube and named "Gaming in the Clinton Years."

However, after seeing his reviews for games like Goldeneye and Donkey Kong Country, I don't know if this is for real. If it's for real then he is hilariously awful.

Can anyone shed some light?
"Different Angle! Is this a new age funky style or what?" :lol:

Remember citizen cane? Today, that movie is hailed like the messiah of the movie industry. But what people don't know is that back then, critics and movie goers hated that film both alike! Too experimental, not made for the common demographic, experimental angles (i.e not theater view but actual scenery shots and zooms) and people actually thought the acting was too exaggerated. That NAVGTR guys is just a reminder that even in the video game world (Or "gaming" like the 90's and that dude said) there were people like those citizen cane haters who never thought what they experienced was going to be a big impact or popular in time.

But i do enjoy his review of Chrono trigger and his overuse of 90's slang!
He also does a review for Street Fighter Alpha and is upset that it doesn't follow the story from the movie, lol.

Fake or not, I think it's hilarious. But I'm really hoping it's not fake, haha.

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