I'm going to punch a baby


It's been 24 hours since I had the sweet delicious taste of nicotine in my system, and I've come to learn my will is not made of iron, but rather cotton as I would gladly trade all of your lives for half a cigarette

anyone else quit? tips? Tricks? Suggestions?
I've found the biggest urge to smoke is when you're around other smokers. Out of sight, out of mind.

Where do you smoke? It's best to avoid those places as well. If you smoke in the house then focus on how much cleaner your home will feel without it being all smoky.

Keep reminding yourself of all the benefits from quitting. Instead of spending $10-$12 on smokes every week (or however often you smoke) you can now spend that money towards other things you enjoy. Be it video games, music, movies, whatever. Remind yourself that it will help you get into shape and you won't feel as breathless as you did when doing physical activity.

When you still feel an addiction coming on, chew gum, it helps alot. Nobody wants to have a smoke while chewing gum at the same time. Buy lots of gum! If that doesn't work move up to the nicotine gum.
All I can offer are words of encouragement.

Icepick, you're cool for quitting smoking. You're also handsome, and smart, and brave. If I was gay, I'd be soooo into you right now, just like the millions of attractive women who find you irresistible. And you know why? It's because you've got the strength to quit.

Hope that helps.
Good luck finding a baby to punch! Oh- wait that's not what the thread is really about?

Good luck man. I think all of Wicked's advice sounds good so I put my support behind all that.
I sure wouldn't wanna be around you. But eh, as a smoker I'll say this: Every time you try quitting, you'll be that much more likely to eventually quit. So it's not all for nothing, if worse comes to worst.
Wicked, it's a $10 a day habbit, smokers are taxed to shit in this country, a pack of premium blend smokes goes for $12.50m I've resorted to the cheapos for $8.75, at my worst I was at a pack and a half a day, I started cutting down this month, last few days I only had 3-4 a day, yesterday I dropped em completely

and De-ting... wtf man... wtf

I also figure I needed something to occupy my time, so I went out and bought borderlands 2, everytime I die though I end up in a nicotine fit, surprised I haven't snapped the controller in half yet
It's much, MUCH easier to quit using aids (not AIDS, how about we not go there?), so I would suggest using that.

I do know someone who quit cold and didn't go back to it ever. He told me he's smoked since, but never had the urge to start again. So it is possible without any sort of aid.

Regardless, I'll be the first to say it's very hard (I'm not a smoker, but everyone knows how addictive cigarettes are). Tough it out at the beginning, and it will get easier. Plus, like Wicked said, think about how much money you'll save/be able to buy weed
I was able to quit cold turkey 5 years ago but I'm afraid that what I did isn't advisable to anyone. Anytime I got a craving I would eat a snack and not a healthy snack like a carrot or apple or something. I'd drink coffee and energy drinks like crazy and eat junk. So while I was able to quit cold turkey I got fat in the process which in the long run wasn't even a great trade-off.

I read an article recently that backed up what Rakon said that more people had more success qutting and staying quit by using some kind of stop smoking aid. Whether it was patches, or that gum or whatever I'm not sure.

The first few months are the most difficult obviously but after a few years I was able to watch people light up like chimneys and not have the slightest urge to join them.

But I do cheat from time to time. Last weekend after a night a heavy drinking I was puffing away on a hookah with flavored tobacco and it was pretty nice. But that only happens once in a great while so I don't count it because even after I still don't have the urge to start again.

Good luck!
When I decided to quit, I was doing a pack of Marlboro 100s a day. What I did was go to Marlboro Reds for a week, then Light 100s for a week, and so on until I was at Ultra Lights. Then I would cut back by one smoke a day until the cravings were so minimal they could be ignored.

I don't know what you're smoking, but maybe titrating lesser strengths will help ease you off. Just resist the urge to puff harder on the weaker smokes.

And for when you just gotta have something to smoke, grab a cigar. You don't have to inhale those, and it can be a helpful distraction. I suggest wine flavored wood-tips.

Good luck man. It's tough, but it's worth it. Hopefully you can lean on friends, family and GR for any support you need.
Nicotine patches? Suppose theyre as much as the cigarettes huh.

Good luck! - I sense I'll be seeing you in the News soon.
Good thing I don't smoke cigs
When I quit cold turkey, I found smoking a little weed every once in a while really helped. A little bit went a long way when I was having terrible withdrawals. Just don't treat it as a replacement for nicotine or you are back to square one. Think of it more as like a back up plan for when you absolutely need smoke in your lungs or people will die. Set a limit for yourself, 1-2 times a week or whatever. Then just ween yourself off of that. This worked pretty well for me. Now I just need to do something about that alcohol problem and I'll be the golden straight-edge boy I never wanted to be.
Good luck on that. I quit back in March. Worse month of my life. You end up snapping at every little thing and you feel like shit. My best advice is chew alot of gum, go to places where you can't smoke, and just sleep it off when you feel an urge.
Get used to spending time alone... You are going to be a horrible human for a while longer...

Here are some rules that helped me and the people around me...

If they you like them then you will leave the room and find someplace far away or soundproof to call them names...

If you work for them then you will need to eat something to offset the craving... Ideally something healthy

For everyone else just carry a digital recorder around and catch yourself at your worst, play it back later and either write it down or use it as motivation to get better...
Icepick said:
It's been 24 hours since I had the sweet delicious taste of nicotine in my system, and I've come to learn my will is not made of iron, but rather cotton as I would gladly trade all of your lives for half a cigarette

anyone else quit? tips? Tricks? Suggestions?

my only experience is watching my mother go cold turkey after she got sick one summer and couldn't breathe for weeks.

Suffice to say, its not easy. Just ignore it or use a patch to help you quit.
Guan_Yu said:
When I quit cold turkey, I found smoking a little weed every once in a while really helped. A little bit went a long way when I was having terrible withdrawals.

Wish you the best.
After seeing 1) my grandpa die from smoking all his life (emphysema and lung cancer) and 2) my dads rather severe withdrawals after quitting cold turkey pretty much right after the first happened - all when I was like in fourth grade, I have refused to ever even try the things....and I don't see myself even getting curious about them.

I wish you luck, I know second hand how hard it is.
Aside from everything already mentioned, get yourself some grapefruit juice and drink it fairly regularly. I've heard that since it's a foreign taste, it won't remind you of cigarettes (and it'll clean out your palate as it's pretty strong stuff). The other alternative is brushing your teeth regularly.

Psychologically speaking, think of some rewards you can give yourself at certain benchmarks that you set up. The more organized and tangible you can make these goals, the better (eg, use a calendar).

Just some ideas. You can do it! It's okay to hate the world right now, it means you're winning.

EDIT: Just remembered something else: If you're a coffee drinker, and you associate drinking coffee with a smoke afterwards, it's a good idea to eliminate coffee for a while. (Which is understandably difficult, as that's giving up two things at once.)
Sourdeez said:
Guan_Yu said:
When I quit cold turkey, I found smoking a little weed every once in a while really helped. A little bit went a long way when I was having terrible withdrawals.

Wish you the best.
Uhm, what? I've been cigarette-free for a while now, but, thanks?

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